Notice he said nothing about Tig banging Walton Goggins though… I think we just found out something about Bobby.
Great episode. You could just tell the kid was going to drop the bomb at the end. I had to keep checking the time remaining to see if there was still time.
Hey mercenary guy, you’ve got something in your eye.
In Hamlet the ghost was Hamlet’s father though. I wouldn’t be that surprised to find out the homeless woman was Jax’s real mother and that her death in JT’s accident wasn’t really an accident.
Yep. This theory also gives Jax at least a slight chance of making out of the finale alive, since instead of killing his own mom he would have avenged her.
Yeah, pretty sure it will be remove the “no blacks” unwritten rule, basically Jax’s way of saving the Grim Bastards for all the help they’ve given the club.
Playing up the tragedy angle it was that unwritten rule that sent Juice on his spiral. Eli found out he was part black and used that to blackmail Juice into giving up info on the club, leading to Juice’s suicide attempts, and so on, and so on.