Sonys PS3 is going to cost....

Vice president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe says 500 euros (about $615) :2fingers: With production costs close to a grand,I see sony going rignt down the :crap: I’ll stick with my 360 !!!

Heres the link

ya, i’ll stick with my 360 too


Microsoft did the same with the 360. They all lose on the box, its all in the games…

IB4 fetter says something supportive about PS3.


Never want to buy sony again, and this sure isn’t going to make me start. :lol:

[UPDATE 4/6]: A Sony representative eventually returned GameSpot’s request for comment, saying, “This interview was misinterpreted and at this time, there has not been any official announcement from Sony Computer Entertainment on pricing for the PlayStation 3 worldwide.”


This is outdated information and I think his information was taken out of context. . . has information from Sony that disputes this. . . and no i’m not 100% a Sony fanboy . . .I own a 360 as well ._.

im excited…ill buy it asap and all the terds wont be able to afford and will be jealous and be all ha-haa microsoft for life :rolljerk:

Forbes says $399…

Despite the cost of production, Sony is going to have to sell the PS3 at $399. Microsoft already beat them to the market in reagards to the next gen console wars… if they tried to sell the PS3 at a higher price tag than the 360… that would be a major blow to them.

PS3 is twice the machine 360 is with hardware specs why wouldn’t it cost more?

thats the problem. no one has really even pushed the old xbox to its limits… and there will be an xbox1080 out before they push the limits of the current machine.
sony is over building their box, and will and is costing them.

I’ll wait for my PS3… always loved the playstation not going to switch now

from the same article…

Even if the PS3 does hit shelves for 500 euros, that doesn’t necessarily mean American gamers will be paying upwards of $615 for the PS3 when it comes out. Price points vary between territories, and systems are frequently more expensive across the pond. For instance, the Xbox 360 core and premium packages launched for $299 and $399 in the US, and 299 euros (about $367) and 399 euros (about $491) in Europe.

cant wait for the PS3… I’ll buy one right away

6:42 – Kaz takes the stage again. He wraps up everything we’ve seen – the best technology, the best graphics, a new controller, and much more. And one more surprise … the PS3 launch details.
Two configs
One with 20 gigs - $499
One with 60 gigs – $599.

Two million planned for launch worldwide at launch, another two million in time for the end of 2006 and another 2 million by March 2007.

dont the xbox have 20gig? 100$ more for 40 more gigs…not to bad i guess but its still gonna drain me

I hope there is more than 40 gigs diff. between the two units, otherwise the $100 seems like a waste. I’m sure it won’t take long for people to figure out how to hack them and throw in 500GB drives anyway.

Anyone know what the “planned” 360 launch quantity was. I’m wondering if with 2M units they will still have launch shortages.

I did not read that whole article. Does it come with more accessories for the 599 one?

beats me
I read the whole thing but that is really all i took away from it
and that the controller will be motion sensitive