Sonys PS3 is going to cost....

lol another sony shit article

Sony Criticism Abound

It looks like Sony is getting beat up in the media for everything from a lackluster showing of games so far to higher than expected prices and lower than expected features.

Eventually, Sony will get bitten. They've had one single innovation since they entered this industry, and that's the EyeToy. Everything else has been a take off of a rival company, and it's getting to the point where even the mainstream will figure it out. This press conference proved how far they're willing to go to copy their competitors. Sony isn't innovative as Phil Harrison claims. They're thieves, and cocky ones at that.

The flip side of that coin is SCEA’s COO making the interview rounds talking about all things P3 and how great Sony’s next gen console will be. When asked about the price being $600 for the PS3, Mr. Tretton had this to say:

It means that people are going to perceive enough value that they're not going to consider the price to be a barrier to entry; that they're going to be willing to do it just as they have on the last three platforms.