sooooooooooo anyone goin to the lot tonight thread

You’re STILL not getting the point.

Everybody wants you to Fuck off. It’s that simple.

Print this post out and hang it on your wall. Stare at it before you leave your house everyday. If all else fails, kill yourself.

LMAO Straight to the point … good stuff

This summer the lot is gonna be crazy i can see it already.

All this bullshit is making me reconsider the lot.
If anyone dents my car or scratches my paint, I’d dent their skull and scratch their retinas.

Maybe not worth the jail time.

I went to the lot one year. It wasn’t anything exciting. I won’t go this year.

I like white toast.

I used to go to the lot, but now i don’t.

Thanks PJB

I think I’m going to spray bomb tint my tail lights so that people cannot tell when I apply my brakes.

What do you guys think?

That’s exactly what I was going for.



Why dont you all stop being whiny bitches and just enjoy the car scene. Holy fuck, some of you younger guys just like to stir shit up.

There isn’t much to enjoy these days, ADAM.

Except LVD, that’s still a pretty fun time regardless of who shows up :lol

Its MARCH… Not a whole lot of great cars are gonna be out yet…

Fuck tryin to fix the lot im just gonna drink, do drugs, burnouts, flybys and get my girlfriend pregnet. Lets all just fit in

Im gonna come get drunk this year and make fun of ricers/rice rides, fuck bringing my Vette down there, even when there is no drama, I don’t like being surrounded that many dumb people, sober anyway

The next time we meet up we’ll just have to do it at the mall or something, and roll out from said remote location.

There, problem solved.

(Most) everyone agreees a new spot is needed, no one can agree on where that is, so it’ll never happen. Let the downward spirial of ‘the lot’ continue. Sucks that one bad apple can spoil the whole dam bunch…

Thats the problem, this has been the “spot” for so long that people dont want it to change. That and when people do hang out at other spots(which there are other spots that people regularly hang at), the group gets divided and just hang out at their place.