sooooooooooo anyone goin to the lot tonight thread

I used to be one for defending the lot and all that but Ive realized its not worth it anymore after getting a knife pulled on me and seeing somebody get hit with a bat.

Also for the most part when the cops are called they kick everybody out rather than trying to determine who’s good and who’s bad.

The only thing you can bash on me about is infact roll racing…whatever. Dont really care other then the fact that Your car sucks at it and shines from a dig…well, mine shines from a roll…

but however, please show me where I talked about any racing in my post above at all, what so ever? None. Zip. Nada. Didnt say a damn thing about it…I dont go to the lot simply because, it isnt what is used to be and now its just a fucking circus. Its a waste of time to watch clowns perform and then get kicked out by the cops. Obviously some people like being a star in this circus so more power to you.

Yes, Im calling you a circus clown.

THIS JUST IN: There is officially NO sanctioning body that does roll races!

good for you ,im glad im a clown at least i can drive my car and isnt scared of people runnin the mouth like ya do so well .

Your input is valued on the subject, thanks.

drew what i dont get is who the fuck are you ? your one of the biggest cunts on this forum ,cant drive your car, cry,s cause dave walked on your car everytime , and so on but ya got the balls to say im a circuis clown .i can honestly sit here and say i wouldnt care if suttin bad happened to my car "esp seein as its insured " but you on the otherhand would prolly kill yourself

I’ve never met John and I’m not saying he does, but some people live for drama, even if they don’t admit it. In fact, I don’t think anyone that I’ve met off of the forum fits into that catagory. Sure, it’s amusing at times, but bats/guns is way, way way too much to deal with on a car night.

Some mexicans tried to run me off the road in my Viper in Arizona, my buddy pulled his gun, they stopped, lol…still sucked to be a part of it though.

ill admit it ,i fuckin love the rush i get when someone stands up to me . . so yeah ,i like hangin at the lot with people and so on and if i gotta defend it of sorts fuckin a right i will

I hear you man, I mean I’m sure you could take me out, but I’m not a bitch, either. I enjoyed the lot the few times I went myself, but it’s not worth fighting for to me. Some stuff is, a parking lot is not IMO.

Now, the motherfucker that stole my coat has it coming to him, and that’s gonna be a dirty fight. He’s not gonna see it coming…

who took your coat lololololollol

Stolen from a bar up here. That motherfucker is a marked man, I don’t care how big he is. I’ll be the first to admit it’s gonna be a dirty fight.

lolololol , dirty fights are great . i rem one time i was gettin a little whoopin a grabbed the dudes sack hard i squeezed for a sec or 2 .needless to say i won after that

Cars AND fighting? I’m in heaven.

Heh, I’m sure. This cock sucker has it coming to him, it takes a A LOT to get me to want to fight, but he did it. That night everyone was just like ‘ooo shit’ when they saw how mad I was, because they never see that side of me.

unfortunately so is most of Schenectady’s Puerto Rican population and theyll be in attendance at the lot


dont be scared man

Im not necessarily scared of them just seeing them there but I know what theyre capable of. They just dont seem to care about or have any respect for anything and often have weapons and arent afraid to use them.

Really Id just rather be somewhere theyre not.

I’m glad I didn’t go out last night

Anyone who takes out a bat, doesn’t know how to throw or take a punch. Hence the bat. I’ve had crowbars and tire irons and all that bullshit pulled on me. But I don’t lose fights.

Plus, my wife is like 25% puerto rican, she tries to kill me all the time and I’m still here. I’d be more afraid of a PR chick then a PR dude with a knife.