Sorry Jim.. The proposed federal AWB

the bottom line is they want the guns. laugh all you want, thats what there after. taking “assault weapons” is just a piece of the pie. after that theyll try to take the next piece and so on.

Ok. Who specifically? (UN is made up of many countries)

And Why? (who do those specific people have to gain in this mission? Money and or power are pretty much the only two acceptable answers)

One world power (UN) that is their ultimate goal. The UN keeps pushing Obama on gun control. They tried it before the election and he didn’t do anything because he was worried about getting re-elected and didn’t want to stir thing up. It was like the day after election, the UN had a meeting and main topic was what was Obama going to do on gun control.


*All treaties must be approved by two thirds vote in US Senate.

*Constitution supersedes international treaties ratified by US Senate.

Why the FUCK would 193 DIFFERENT member states want “one world power” Most of the countries in there hate each other. Remember Russia and US a few decades ago? Well that was a big issues because they were both in the UN yet they wanted to nuke each other at any point in time.

The world around you isn’t a big crazy conspiracy.

The biggest “conspiracies” are right in front of you.

NRA stands up for your gun rights? FUCK NO. It’s a for profit organization ran by people that love money. What’s the easiest way to make money every year? Say all your guns will be taken away THIS year.

No not this year? Well THIS will be the year for SURE!

Still no? Election is coming up they will take them away then! BUY NOW.

They want your money, nothing more nothing less. That’s their single most important agenda. If you happen to be armed by you giving them and their supporters your money, well then so be it.

I can bet you money they want Democrats to win every year to ensure sales.

NRA doesn’t profit from firearm sales. Jussayin.

The NRA is a 501©(3) which is a NON-Profit organization

Jennifer Lawrence FTW

Not directly. They profit from membership and I’m sure from manufacturers of weapons.

My multimillion dollar company is “non-profit” too. All that means is extra money that’s not eaten by the salaries gets recycled back into organization. There are still plenty of people there making good money. If you care look up CEO’s salary.

they hate each other? or do the world powers make your sterotype? the people might hate you. but the rich usa man is friends with the rich taliban.

all the rich folks are friends. it doenst matter if they are from usa or iraq.

also the reason why 193 want one world power is easy. they want power. if you scratch my back i will scratch yours.

sheep without guns heard better.

if i am controling people and some have guns and some do not. who is easier to control?

the person without the gun is less likely to resist

We are already controlled.

You’re a sheep in a pasture thinking there is a conspiracy out to get you as you get shaved every week and remain in a controlled environment.

Those fences aren’t to keep others out, they are to keep you in :banghead

Where does all your money go? Large portion to the government and the other large portion to major corporations.

If you’re stupid enough to think that an AK is going do so something when there is a tank outside your door, I can’t help you.

Stop talking NONESENSE across multiple accounts.

Our government already does whatever it wants and gets into wars against who it wants with our own people voluntarily. Besides the fact that totalitarian take over is impossible, why would it bother to do that when people voluntarily give up their money, their freedoms and their life for a small fee in the army?

Going back to the UN - so you agree its 193 states now? I thought US was the UN…

And yes you’re right 193 people want power. They arent about to give it to each other, they all want it.

And yes they hate each other, otherwise they are just having conflicts and warfare for fun.


You can’t even keep your story straight.

Edit: Your nonesense replies will start getting deleted unless you start actually answering questions.

You have your theory and I’d looooooooooove to see where you’re coming from… hence the questions.

If you can’t give me details or any actual information besides them, then they are just a waste of mine and everybody’s time.

Vlad he does have some valid points , as u know I think pitman is deff a space case but I gotta agree with him on this shit man .

Again with the vagueness.

Present his valid points so we can have a discussion on them.

Weasel words that provide to substance like “some/soon/they/people” and other shit allow me to formulate nonsense sentences such as

“Some people are coming soon, they will go after us.”

It’s brilliant. No substance, no evidence, all vague and leaves nothing for rebuttal.

Who are those people, how soon, who’s “us”???

I refuse to waste my time on such nonsense.

That’s why I said somewhat ! Do I think armed stormtroopers will come take our guns ? No . But I do think the un,us , etc is trying to disarm citizens . Do I think its for controll ? Most likely . Do I think its for harm ? Not so much . But I do know I don’t like it . Will I see the major outcome in my lifetime ? I hope not but I do fear my children will deal with it and that is what scares the shit out of me .

Why is the UN trying to disarm US citizens?

Warfare? No we have an army already.

Army will be on government side? 1) That is damn unlikely and 2) if UN and US army decide to overtake citizens, a few brave souls won’t stop them.

Why the hell would the UN want to take over citizens when we are already in a good terms as partners and they have our military to back the UN up in case a major conflict arises.

I feel dirty even discussing this ludicrous idea.

What “control” is “most likely” as a motive?

Devil is in the details and these theories rarely hold up in an intellectual conversation when there are no answers to any basic questions.

I feel dirty even discussing this ridiculous idea.

Don’t take this the wrong way please . Look at how much has changed rights wise in this country ! Look at how much has changed in general . Now I’m not saying all has been bad but its deff not as “free” feeling as it used to . Way more rules ,restrictions etc . That ya can’t disagree with . Now take into my concerns as a parent goes , I don’t see any major “overtakings” or revolutions happening in my lifetime but it could I guess . Like I said I’m scared for my children’s adult lifestyles or what the so called new laws may be unloaded on them . As a parent your Outlook changes drastically and no u won’t ever see this unfilled u are a parent . Ask any parent on here or in general as long as there kids r priority num 1 like mine .

Your rights are slipping away year by year and regulation is never going to stop. That’s just the way our society is. It’s too stupid for it’s own good and has to be protected by more policies due to previous precedents and law suits that results from the acts of idiots end up making policies that reflect on all of us.

Unfortunately you’re fucked as idiots are rather well protected and covered here with liberties and are free to do as they wish unlike many other countries where people are scared to act like an idiot/asshole because other people will have no problem putting them in their place with no reprecautions.

Airports now make you feel like a criminal every time you fly and that’s here to stay. Patriot act fucked our privacy. Further regulation of firearms due to shootings. Mandatory health insurance policies, etc. All of that in just ~12 years or so that I’ve been in this country.

Unfortunately in a “free” country your liberties stop where another persons liberties begin. And with people feeling entitled to being assholes, ignorant and stupid as a general population, they will be the ones catered to by politics and regulation, which in turn affects all of us.

There is no conspiracy, it’s right in front of us as it always have been.

Oh I never said its a conspiricy , honestly this country needs a revolution and a total restart .

To pitman - internet is a conspiracy.