Pitman Files: U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly Seeks Citizen Help to Oppose U.N. Treaty


vlad do you think the un is not after our guns still?

nothing anywhere in any of that did it actually explain that dudes concerns with the treaty. i want to read the treaty and see if i agree with it for myself before i go signing some shit all willy nilly. jussayin.

Why would UN be after our guns when we can kill any citizen with a Drone? :crackup

Stick to one conspiracy please, they are starting to contradict each other.

UN can’t trump the constitution

yet :rofl

neither can the president but he does all the time :pop

Constitution has been trumped for a looong time now. It’s semantics over who’s doing it more or less now and how it gets interpreted to ones desires.

We have a constitution still?

Granted drones are great for suppressing dissidents, they are not on the ground. They are only half of their intel. People would still need to be on the ground. When asked to fire on, detain, confiscate from the American people, our forces will be split in half. Tons will refuse. At this point we will be a “Nation in Distress”. Allowing the UN to “keep peace”.

Or so goes the theory.

i still carry it in my car, not that it means anything :cry:

I think they wanna declaire a marshal law. Thats how it started in my country they take weapons, gold and food.

If ya can look around on the internet. Government building these camps all over the US. Why?

What camps…

I assume this would only be in Democratic states, because there is no way the terrorist agenda of the Administration would be allowed in Republican domain…Right?


I guess its like a prison camps. They want to eliminate as many people as they can. And they can do what ever they want. Its up to the people to fight for their freedom against the UN.

U gotta ask people about this that are from other countrys. America is like a haven compare to other countrys. People here got everything given to them and they think nothing can happen to this country. My oppinion i prepare for the worst, cause i already been through that type of life.
Why are they building these camps.
Why they created gun law.
Economy faling.
Crime is rising. Put all these together.

U can google Us concentration camps

This is how it starts slow and quite without any panic and news.


What camps? Again sources?

The gun law is so far only in NY and is trying to be overturned. For the record you can kill people with shotguns too which are still very legal. Man that’s a terrible disarming policy…

Economy failing? Enjoy the reading.

Dow Hits Record High For Second Straight Day Dow Hits Record High For Second Straight Day | HuffPost Impact
Crime rates?


I’m putting all of these pieces together and I’m getting a person that’s talking nonsense.


For the record, I have it on good internet authority that “they” are raising a unicorn-vampire-zombie armies all over the United States.

Only silver bullets to the head will actually put them down, so they aren’t even bothering disarming people. And with the purposely manipulated price of ammo AND silver nobody can afford such ammunition.

They are coming… you better run.

You beleave what internet tells you.

You clearly don’t even believe what the spell checker tells you.

… and just for the record

U cant read.

Glad we are making Progress here.


The way these guys are popping up all over the place I should quit my job and start a tin foil hat business.