Sounds of the Apocalypse

I received a strange text from a friend of mine that lives in Rotterdam. He asked me if I was outside around 7:20PM and if I’ve heard of the “Sound of the Apocalypse” because he thaought he had heard one. He said he was outside with his dogs when the sound began and it freaked out both of his dogs. Living on busy Curry Rd. his dogs are familar with usual sounds of traffic so, according to him, this sound was unique.

My first question was what exactly did it sound like. He explained it as a very deep bellow very similar to the Tripod horn in The War of the Worlds for those of you who have seen it. I found his Cool Story Bro intriguing and upon doing some very lazy research I found several videos documenting the very same sound. The most recent “hearing” was three days ago in Buffalo.

The Videos:

These are just a few of the many videos that can be found if you search for this thread title.

I’ve heard many explanations of the phenomenon. I’ve read that it has something to do with the layers of the earth moving and creating some kind of metal on metal sound, the sound of pulsar stars finally reaching earth, a giant cloaked UFO moving through the atmosphere to straight up Old Testament stuff.

Apparentley this kind of sound has been heard and documented since the 1990’s and surely can be expalined rationally but hearing the exact same sound on different continents is very intriguing.

What are your guys thoughts on this phenomenon? Hoax? Act of Nature? Aliens? What?


The last video I posted is a compilation of many of the videos posted on the net, it’s very eerie how the same noise can be heard on different continents.

The vast majority of these have been posted by nutjobs. Check out the usernames and their other videos. A guy on reddit that is an a/v pro went through them all as wel and the only one he didn’t completely disprove was the ones from Costa Rica.


Simple explanation. God got a new vuvuzela for xmas.



Check the buffalo one, it doesn’t seem as fake as the others. The sound is slightly different though

Yea there is some speculation whether or not this started as a viral campaign much like district 9 etc, who knows, we wont know until we see a movie trailer or someone blows this whistle, to be honest id be kinda pissed if thats the case. If this is real im sure there is a real legit explanation for it, with all the things thats happend recentely with how the planet has been acting if you will i wouldent be suprised if its some sort of thing to do with the earth

just seems to creepy to be real when you think about it :lol I saw one video that was using the sound from another one, and in the fog you see what looks to be the tripod from war of the worlds show up, i thought it was hysterical :rofl

Bubb Rubb has a perfectly reasonably explanation for this…

[ame=“”]► 1:55► 1:55[/ame]

But that’s only in the mawnin you’re sposed to be up cookin breffast.

Probably just a change in air pressure filmed by a schiz.

This had me :lol’in

It is the campaign. Some anon sources have confirmed it already.


There’s a video on this page of a dude debunking a lot of it. A lot of the videos use the same exact sound.

Well if this hoax has done anything thus far… it made me want to watch red state, looks like an awesomly fucked up movie :rofl

This is the scene in the movie in which they say people got the bright idea to use this for a net hoax


Here is the video of the guy debunking this as a hoax and I gotta tell you he pretty much nails it. He calls it a modified Red State hoax using War of the Worlds sounds.

I don’t know what my friend heard and I haven’t heard the video from Buffalo so who the hell knows. Some people will hear what they wanna hear I guess.

Netflixing Red State right now haha.

Me and the wife got a kick out of watching it :rofl