South Buffalo man attacked with meat

An ex-girlfriend beat a South Buffalo man with a frozen block of meat and also bit him on the torso about 6:30 p. m. Wednesday, Buffalo police said.

The man, who had an order of protection, was attacked by the 39-year-old Okell Street woman, who went to the victim’s Carter Street home, where an argument ensued, police said

The victim suffered a black eye, bump on his forehead and several cuts and a bruise to his torso, police added.

you stay classy South Buffalo

:lol: “Bitch make me this pot roast!”

“I’ve got your fucking pot roast right here! whack

UGHHHH I hate that I live in south buffalo. Some areas are so nice, and the rest is just trash. I wish we could take the McKinley triangle and annex it from the rest of S. Buffalo.

i dont know why but for some reason in my mind i figured this had something to do with lady gaga… :ham:


aka seneca st.

i feel the same way, love living in south buffalo but sum parts are trash

I don’t understand these stories. A guy is getting beat by a woman with frozen meat and gets bit. How the hell he let her do that.

i lol

I live in the nice part of SB(west seneca border), but your never far from trash thats for sure. Still love it here though, best of everything.

Wow I live on okell,who is this crazy???