Another robbery on UB South Campus

University Police are investigating a strong-arm robbery that occurred on Feb. 3, 2009, at approximately 7:55 p.m. in the Main/Bailey Parking Lot on the University at Buffalo South (Main Street) Campus.

The victim was approached from behind and assaulted by a group described as four black males, 5-feet 10-inches to 6-feet tall, in their late teens to early 20s and all wearing dark clothing. There was no weapon displayed in this incident and the suspects fled eastbound on Main Street. The suspects took the victim’s bag of food that had just been purchased at a fast food restaurant.



I think it was the Hamburglar

LOl jesus christ, snaggin someones mcdonals or some shit??? are they fuckin for real?

if this was KFC it would be the story of the year

Makes you wonder…

Lets see South campus is in the city, the city has crime, hmmmmm why are we surprised.

how poor are some people.

christ, didnt obama get them free fast food or something?

We are surprised because a guy got mugged for some FAST FOOD.


actually there is a KFC on the Amherst side of the intersection.

Hahahhah the funny thing is kfc might be the closest place to where re muggin happened. Aside from Dunkin donuts…

There is a kfc on bailey about a block from main

There’s a KFC there just north on Bailey, there’s a McDonalds in the 3500 Main lot, also a pizza place. I’m guessing it was McDonalds. That is quite a walk from the KFC.


Even if it was KFC the news will never say it. If you say 4 black males mugged someone for KFC on the news Jesse Jackson appears out of nowhere. Like saying beatleguise three times.

Yall want some cheeseburgers?

nigga stole my big mac

How much food was in the bag to accomidate 4 6 foot black guys?

i got these cheeseburgers man…

I must be on the ignore list