Update on the UB student who was shot a couple weeks ago

I was going to put this in the thread about the UB shooting but that got locked.


The kids roommate was shot and killed a couple days ago. Police are saying they (the shooter and the victims) all knew each other and this isn’t random.

Read what you want into it, but it kind of supports buzzkillington’s (moboost4u) story that there is a whole lot the news isn’t reporting because it isn’t PC.

IB4 the lock.


I thought it was pretty obvious that the news “censors” these sorts of stories. :gotme:

Or so it seems IMO.

First the Flight 3407 thread and now this… Im on fire this month. I guess even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day though right? :roflpicard:

Not surprised, really.


I’m not surprised that they knew each other. lol

But I’m totally racist anyway. Mostly against Zongs.

i find it hard to believe that the brother/roommate of the victims has no idea whats going on or who the shooter is

Me too. He’ll probably be next if he opens his mouth.

Yeah, the cop pretty much said that was BS right in the interview when he said these people aren’t strangers.

I feel bad for the cops who have to deal with this bullshit. “Nope, don’t know nuthin, didn’t see nuthin”, but the community blames the police and the university for the violence.

fuck it let them kill each other… just keep everyone else out of the riff raff and stray bullets.

Its obvious that the kid was slinging drugs, everyone in that area does. Hell I was in subway and I overheard some kid say “yo the brick is at my house, I’ll get it to you later” then he went on to get all code word on the subway patrons by using highly difficult abbreviations to interpret like “QP” hmmmmm…

Fucking idiots.

College students are slinging coke with the “not-so-savory” people who have moved into that area. It’s not really a secret. It was going on when I lived there. I had a friend of mine get involved with some of that shit. It’s not cool at all. They take their shit VERY seriously, college students that sell drugs are HUGE pussies compared to these dudes.

I had several friends get held up at gunpoint in their own houses over drugs/drug money.

What chance do you really have to stop it when you can’t even talk about it in the news?

We should start our own news syndicate :slight_smile:

Sorry ma’am… your son is dead, but here is why…

ZERO chance.

It’s not like I can just go telling these stories to the UB Administration faculty members. I really shouldn’t be talking about it here either.

Chances are if you are college student selling drugs in large quantities in the heights(even if you only buy from/to other students), there are people with guns who know of you, and they will come after your shit.

To the people who aren’t into this kind of thing, don’t act like you know what your talking about.

your son is dead because he laid the pipe in his drug supplier’s girlfriend lol

yeah, UB would LOOOOOOVE that press.

I’m so happy that I just moved to the heights. :banghead:

As we were moving in, someone stole my roommates cell phone out of his car. WTF

Dude, a friend of mine got his car stolen for a joy ride while unloading groceries!!

He literally chased the guy around the block till he ran out of breath, then found the car sitting on the side of the road a few blocks over with the keys still in it, like 15 minutes later.

You better keep your shit locked up, people get robbed in the heights ALL THE TIME, and they never report it, they just suck it up. Happens all the time.

Yeah, theft is going on the bike and the car. Getting an alarm for the car. Locking the bike up in the garage.

Fucking sucks coming from Amherst. I NEVER locked my doors in the past two years living in Amherst.