South hill village evacuated.

Last night I leave the shop early. That rarely happens. I was supposed to go with my girl to the mall. Its their annual early Halloween party for the kids. We go her 3 year old daughter all dressed up in her peacock outfit and her 5 year old nephew dress up in his pirate outfit and just as we’re headed for the door someone calls and says “If you not at the mall yet turn on the news.” South hills village mall was completely evacuated, as well as the whole parking lot. Some piece of **** mother ***** ***hole decided to be cute and call in a threat! Not sure exactly what he said, be it bomb or anything else. So thats just fantastic here we are with the kids all excited to got see everyone all dressed up and have a good time and we have to tell them sorry right before we walk out the door. I’d really really appreciate it if I could find out some personal information about the clown the did this.

Best part of it is, I left my .40 in my tool box! If I wasn’t a little behind, and didn’t have to jimmy my girls car door open from her locking the keys inside, we would have been there. So just what if… We could have been there with the children, and it potentially could have been a real threat of any sort, and my tool box is sitting down at the shop armed, and not me! Arghhhh.

end rant.

Sorry to hear dude. Bad stroke of luck.

Shit, that sucks. Did you take the kids somewhere else to keep them happy? What a bummer.

You know it was some 15yr old douche too, :asshole

Mickey Dee’s in full costume. Chicken nugget pasifiers worked flawlessly.

Why would someone do this? Some people are pathetic and have nothing better to do than ruin little kid’s days. WTF

Good thing they are easy to please, eh?

That’d work for my fat ass too lol :rofl:

At least your toolbox wasn’t in fear of gettin’ jacked.

Sorry to hear, I would’ve been mad for the kids too.

I heard the threat was called in pretty early in the day? We did the Ross Park Malloween last night, but had friends who showed up at SHV to only be turned away… what was really stupid is that the mall kept trying to say it was staying closed due to mechanical issues? after the police had already released that is was a bomb threat earlier in the day…

Sorry for your luck…

Mall Security had this shit locked down…if I had kids I would’ve felt safe w/the mall security taking care of it—not. Only in Bethel Park, like Dyingwish said it was probably some 15 year old jerkoff.

i know all prcautions need to be taken but when hes a bomb ever gone off anywhere when a threat has been made… never… i mean eventually it will happen but if people are that serious about bombing something they really wanna kill people and aren’t gonna make a threat, they will just do it.

I was at Ross Park when we heard about that…Crazy ass people!!!

What is wrong with these people!!


My Gf was working at her second job at the jewlery store when it happened, people who were eating were told to drop their food and leave as well as everybody else, crazy shit. BTW …they did find a suspicious pipe bomb looking thing in the maintenence way but i havent heard anything else so far. I am sure BPPD doesn’t want to disclose anything else to the public so they can catch the guy.

I woulda atleast carried my food out