South towns hall rental

Looking for a place who will lets us rent just a Hall or party room for about fifty people, We will bring in our own beer food ect…

Any suggestions will be helpful

Thanks John

Evulotion VIII MR’s family has one

There’s a town park on Taylor Rd. in Hamburg that has a building you can rent.

I’m assuming its on the cheap, theres a mason lodge here on rt 62 in North Collins that rents, place is huge…

you and sean getting married? why wasnt i invited?!?!?

STFU Jam but your invited to this stag, shit everyone is, Waiting to hear back from evolutionviii s mom for confirmation on her hall rental…thanks again and keep the suggestions coming incase it falls through

:tup: Bueme Hall is legit.

iron workers hall on OP road in WS

No stag unless your an actual iron worker…Plus the guy on the phone was a real dick

and yea im really hoping bume gets back to me its perfect for what i need

bump need this again still avalible, i cant rememebr the phone number

VFW on Lakeview. Has a couple options. My buddy is a member if necessary.

Been to a couple in the west seneca/lackawanna area at shitty bars that can be rented, can’t recall the names right now…

IV stallions on William. meh place but great food.

Sure is used it for a 50th bday party. This is your best option :slight_smile:
