Speaking of AC systems, are pullies servicable?

I’ve been having a real annoying problem where I’ll hear rattling coming from the front end of the car, inside the engine compartment. It wouldn’t really happen all the time and when the AC was turned on, it would seem to stop. Checked under the hood and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from exactly (fing ls1s are noisy as shit anyway). Wasn’t really sure if it was possibly a rattling washer or a heatshield or a bad bearing somewhere.

well, today when I pulled in the driveway, it was doing it worse than normal. I pop the hood and sure enough, the AC pulley is spinning out of round (probably about .25"+/- of slop in it). I turned the ac on, noise went away and sure as shit, the pulley spun a lot “cleaner”.

Anyone know if you can just get these replaced? I really don’t have the cash to buy a whole AC compressor… fucken GM got me again.

I think, to date, I’ve had to put over 2,000.00 into repairs and I’ve only owned the fucking thing for 4 months or so and the car doesn’t even have 33K miles on it yet. Thats not including the list of other shit that broken/needs to be fixed that I’m holding off on for a few weeks.

:shoot:GM :2fingers:

last one I’ll ever own

that blows…the only things that have ever broken on mine were a door lock actuator and wipers…warrantied.

if it only has 32k miles shouldnt all this shit be under warranty?

the pully is actually the Compressor Clutch and that is what you will be asking for. You can usually get the clutch seperately but getting a entire compressor assembly may be wiser when you factor in the amount of work involved to install. Check the service manual to get a idea of the best approach.

Try warantee claim

thats a waurantee part and u need a compressor nobody does just the clutches these days

well, looking at it, it appears like it may be a clutchless pulley… I’m not sure though. I’ll double check.

oh, and my warrenty ran out at the beginning of last month :tdown: EDIT: unless it’s covered under powertrain

If its the AC it does a have a clutch.

well, GM wont cover it. I’m hoping that I have a pulley that’ll fit it laying around the office somewhere :tdown: Either that or the AC system is just going to get yanked all togehter


If its the AC it does a have a clutch.


not true, I’ve designed many AC systems that were clutchless designs. As it turns out though, this does indeed use a clutch :\