Hi guys,
Really need your help badly. I installed two A/C belts and both broke off. I installed it properly and it didn’t squeal or whine when i started. It worked perfectly fine for about 1hr or so and when i came home and started it up to find out the ac didn’t work
. it broke right in the drive way. It was tight yet enough to be flexible
Anyone know why its ripping off?
I installed it like this
http://www.nissanpartszone.com/componen … -1420.html
You installed it properly, but it seems like maybe your compressor is starting to sieze up.Check to see if the compressor clutch moves freely.Also start the car up without the a/c on.Then have a buddy turn the a/c on and see if the pulley starts to seize up when the clutch is engaged.Oh and when you have the belt off, check for free movement in the pulley as well.And don’t over tighten the belt.
Hope this helps,and good luck.
Used compressors are pretty easy to find on here.But new is best
How would i go about check the clutch free play? Spin it by hand or push the pully in and out?
Say i turn the car on with no no a/c and it doesn’t spin. Then i click the A/C it spins then stops. Does it mean i have bad compressor. But if i keeps spinning then its pully problem correct?
Thanks Derek
P.S i got the speedo work. the plug inside was messed up.
you can pull apart the ac clutch and replace the bearing should that be the problem. And if you are replacing the ac compressor you are going to have to evacuate the lines and make sure you suck up all metal bits that may be in the lines as a result of normal wear and tear on the system. Don’t evacuate and suck up the bits and you will ruin the next compressor you put in or other components. Take it to a shop if you don’t have the ac machine cause its illegal to vent it into the atmosphere and its quick and easy to do if you can a machine.
Personally, i would just delete the ac cause it robs power off the engine (minimal parasitic losses but whatever) and weighs some too. Get rid of it and you save weight and gas. But i’m sure you would like to keep it as would most people.
Take off the belt and just spin the pulley and feel for it gripping or if its rough, that’s a good indication of the bearing, and like stated above, turn the car on and go around to the engine and get a friend to turn on the ac. If you hear metal on metal the clutch is done, if you can see it significantly drop in rotational speed, that the compressor needs looking into and is just burning the belts out early. Also, its possible that either the belt tension is too high, or the belt is not aligned. Check how straight it runs, which is just an eyeballing thing, and there is a tool that measures the belt tension to give you and idea as there are specs you can refer too.
Glad to hear this.( tranny harness)
As far as the clutch engaging then disengaging,this what it should do for the most part.It all depends on the duty cycle,your 134a levels,condition of the a/c system.Time the on time ,then the off time and that’s your duty cycle.Then check a manual to see what the cycle should be and compare.The pulley should move freely always( unless in use)and when the cluch is disengaged it should move freely also.
DON’T DISCONECT YOUR A/C for what?,5 hp maybe.You know how hot our summers get.
I’m holding off on my sr swap because I don’t wanna lose mine!!
Good luck!
Thanks guys. I’m gonna look it to it. Hopefully its just bearing.