I just wnated to let you all know. That Jam is the shit. Tonight i was on allen crossinh the street from elmwood ri[ped still after eating some jims steakout. but what happened when i crsossed the street??? It was like an angel sent from the heavesn above. A hammered angel.

It was motherfucking Jambo. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/hero.gif:shoot:


He quickly recognized me and offered me aslice of his tasty motherfucking pizza. My friend tried to grab a slice but Jam rightfully denied his ass.

I am sure now that if it were not for his pizza, I would not havve made it toniught after a lnog night of drinking. So lets take a minute and all together say THANKS JAM for saving 87foxgt.

Cliffs :

JAM > Jesus

Me > you

Jam > disturbed

PS yes Jam, i am coming to the ritz and were getin blitzed.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif


Jam is the man. No question about it.

hahaha. jam’s a good kisser too…in case you get that hoosed.


hahahahahahahaha Jam = thy drunken savior…He’s like a Colonel in the Green Berets which are part of the Gin Division

i saw him at new york pizza getting said slice of pizza. he wiped his ass with it and said “I’m gonna give this away!”

i have never met this jam character, but indeed his might is well know. Chuck norris bows in his shadow

haha. i was wondering why it tasted so good. and now that i think of it, i am wondering how the hell did i even manage to eat most of the slice just a few minutes after eating a steak hoagy at JS. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/needtoshitsmiley.gif

I’ve met Jam once or twice, and he was likewise a cool cat.

anyone who bought that accord from me and is still driving it almost a year later is most definitely a burly fellow :tspry:

plus he is a gin drinker so he is :tup: in my datebook.

alcohol increases grease dependancy 3 fold :stuck_out_tongue:

you know what i just thought of? jam hasn’t responded to this thread, and it’s like 1:30. i bet he’s still sleeping off a hangover or killing garbagemen


hahahaahahaha u hammered fag

Jam FTW!

jam didn’t come home last night. I hope he’s alive.

the good news is im still alive. and yes, i woke up on my friends couch at 2:30. and the pizza was delish.

and an update on teh cackord - it needed a ball joint when i bought it and a year later, it still needs a ball joint :ohnoes: it gets kinda hairy at times.

good seeing you last night mike. you forgot after you took my number in your cell phone you like fucking threw it on the sidewalk :lol:

:tup: to wasted allentown mish

yeah man good to run into you too. there was a lot of nyspeeders in the area last night. there was a bunch at frizzys for a while :snky:

but yeah, i really fucking hate my phone. chocolate = shit. my touch screen works when it feels like it and sometimes i dont get my texts or voicemails til like 4 hours after they were sent :bloated: so that + blue light = flying phone

I love drinking with Jam, especially on Christmas and staying out all hours of the night and puking at Dennys

Some of my worse drinking nights was with that guy right there <3 <3