
heres a pic from last night


Who’s white kouki?

Sasha, who cares if their undercarriages are spotless, at least yours gets driven.

I dunno, I’m just not a car show kinda guy.

so hot, i love our setup. thats the spilner artistic eye for u :stuck_out_tongue:

found some pics on gtcars.ca

is that white kouki belong to koukis14? the rims look familiar.

i was there today and was a bit disappointed, there were some very nice cars and the amount of rice ther was very low which i was impressed by, but i was expecting a more cars and more events. Sasha, it was the first time i actually saw your car in person and was very impressed, i need to come out to an event sometime and see you in action :lol: whos white kouki was that BTW?
it was a definate improvement from passed years but they need to have better interaction with the crowd to keep people coming back imo.

WTF was up with the RHD colbalt? :? lol

This is my buddy’s car


was it there? i dont remember seeing it…?

yea it was, because he was not at his shop when i stop buy.

Yeah thats my 4x4! Didnt have time to really lower it.

I should have some good pics by monday.

car looks hot Kouki…

I knew I recognized that friggn thing… I guess it was just from your avatar or somethin… ;]

how could you forgot those brembo brakes behind those gorgoues gram lights?

heh when I found out peter’s car was going to be in the show i was determined to finish mine in time for the show so we could have two koukis in there :slight_smile:

are those 57S Pro’s?

two hottest non-domestics in the show??

i think yes.

i swear i didnt think the car in the pic he has was his lol… f*ckin nice though… i hate you both

oh you’ll hate me this summer as well :wink:

Can you say … never again?

Cars looked great, a lot of really awesome machines, Import and Domestic.

Way too much rice in the import section (not avoidable)

I was jealous of all the DVD players these guys had in their cars while we waited 9 HOURS TO GET THE CARS OUT OF THE CNE!

Absolutely inexcuseable for a show that small. Whoever decided two teamsters and a forklift would be enough to move 50 cars from the upper level should be shot. It took them between 25-30 minutes to move a car. When you think about 50 cars … that works out to more than a day to move them. Not factoring in the Union 60 they took in the middle of it. Just stopped what they were doing and took an hour break.

No one from Speedorama came by to apologize or in any way make up for it. We didn’t get anything to drink or eat. A lot of us had been there since noon or earlier. That’s 15 hours of standing, waiting …

After how many years of running this show, they still can’t figure out what they’re doing?

Every person we spoke to said the same thing … they would not be back again. And it’s not like there were only show cars upstairs. There were booths, people that paid an assload of money to be there, and they were the LAST let leave.

Thank crap we didn’t get caught in the same net as a bunch of the other show cars did. Turns out in the itty bitty little fine print, you’re swearing your car over to Speedorama for the next 5 years of shows.

I looooooooooooved the free parking for Speedorama (across the street, at Ontario Place) and the $10 for parking at the actual show.

Best part was watching pissed off car owners showing their displeasure through shredded tires on the convention floor.

Bad-ass 440 Coronet laid down about 150 feet of rubber …

When we left at almost 3 am, there were still another dozen cars or so to go. Some people called towtrucks to come and pick up the cars only to have to pay them and send them on their way, hoping they’d come back later.

Hell, people are probably still moving their cars now.

my friend with the beetle was home by 4:15 am

great show, terrible planning.

we still won a trophy which was cool, next time theres a multi level show im saying PEACE OUTTTTT

Yeah talk about a TERRIBLE ending. I will NEVER go and support Speedorama for the type of BS they put us through at the end of the night.

In other news, here are the pictures I promised.

EDIT - Anyone have a good picture host??







sucks what they put you guys through :-/

Sasha you spelled “missiles” wrong (missles). Otherwise the cars look great!!