I love how with all the beautiful scenery you have within a few minutes of your location, you post endless pictures of cars in a concrete block wash bay. And I washed my truck in December in shorts and a t shirt in WNY.
yeah he was hanging out where i usually take photos at the end of my gf’s street
yeah they are growing on me.
i may add some spacers and knockoffs and just keep them…
ha sorry richard.
i was in a hurry running errands saturday so i didnt have time to go find a krant approved photo location.
You diy the gears yourself?
I wish I knew how to install gears. How do you like the 3.42 by the way? Toss a little 2800-3000 locking stall in and it’ll be a hoot.
ha not so much. had a bunch of help from my old grey beard neighbor.
it went surprisingly smooth. we used all the old shims from the previous setup and everything lined up MINT.
luck was def on my side lol.
I only put 300 miles on so far so I haven’t given it the beans yet.
I gave it like 60% throttle last night from a light on my way home from san diego and since it was a bit damp all it did was spin…but I know the posi works at least
What ring and pinion you go with?
didnt do too much this week, just a few simple things
picked up some cheap projector headlights for the HID kit the PO installed
added a new washer bottle
i also fixed the sloppy drivers side door seal which would let some air in the cab at highway speed and then gave the interior a good cleaning before adding a few essential touches
then to my surprise after the gym this morning the gf even wanted to drive it
Pushrods, something that everyone loves.
What’s that mirror air freshener smell like?
… and freedom. :usa:
nailed it.
I love this thing.
Looking good. I still feel like it should be raised up an inch or two.
Also I really thought that HD sticker was an Ed Hardy sticker at first.
you spelled lowered wrong
An Ed Hardy sticker would be less gay
I’ll never not see this when i see a lowered truck