i ordered (what is hopefully) my last batch of stuff for a while
10" flat powered sub for underseat mounting
tach signal converter
billet radio bezel to cover up the less than clean looking cut when someone installed the aftermarket headunit
new ignition bezel
3 point seat belts
shift indicator (the white part)
emergency brake handle
black gas tank carpet
door sill plates
now I just have to find the time to install everything
I just redid the audio set up in my 2004 Sierra and used a kenwood flat sub. I was surprised that it works as well as it does.
Curious us to hear you opinion on the sound stream above.
it was on sale for Christmas on amazon from $250 to $99 and actually got pretty good reviews
plus I was able to buy the amazon 2 year warranty for $12
prob wont install it until I get all the parts together so I can try and knock it out all at once.
too soon junior…
bought a voltmeter from a box chevy for my cluster so I can ditch the ammeter gauge that’s in there now.
small progress update.
finally got around to wiring in the Dakota Digital tach signal converter and the under-seat subwoofer
oh and i put on the bump stops for the rear axle
still waiting for the rest of the stuff to arrive…
Looks purple
Need any other parts? Just found a box of new parts from when I had mine. Front and rear side marker light lenses, reverse light lenses, door window felt/rubber, and maybe a couple other parts. Have a pile of used parts too, but I don’t think it’s stuff you’d use.
Love the updated you’ve done to the truck! Makes me wish I finished mine
pm sent
Looks awesome dude. We need to get together soon. I’ve been super out of the loop with travel. HMU next time you hear of a good C+C.
you missed last weeks that pelican put on…how about HB tomorrow?
Outta town this weekend in Catalina with the lady. Long overdue. After that i’m around for a while.
Very cool, my favorite generation of Chevy trucks!
so of course last week i finally got around to doing a few things but didn’t take any pictures while the truck was actually clean so I figure why not go take some today after the crazy storms we had all weekend…
fitted the voltmeter fit in the cluster
installed the radio plate
overall shot of the dirty interior
oh and the MAF crapped out on me so I picked up a new one of those too
What’s MAF diagnostic like on this rig? Does the cluster have a CEL light somewhere?
in the second pic i posted you can see the right side of the cluster and the little orange light under the wiper knob is the CEL and under the oil pressure gauge on the bottom of the dash you can see the OBD 2 port with the WIFI scanner i have hooked up in it. i use OBD car doctor via iOS.
^ got to love how easy it is to run OBD in these swaps.
did some shopping around to replace the clapped out shocks on the truck
I went with these KYB gas-a-just units.
advanceauto, vatozone, oriley etc all wanted $70 each.
found them on rockauto for $32 each plus a 5% discount
I have the monomax shocks on mine and they’ve been pretty decent.
good snag!