Spent the night at the MAC center...

So i just got home from the MAC center after being there for 3 hours.
Why? A friend of mine lost his mind and turned his arm into lunch meat with a butter knife. He’s going through some incredibly shitty times right now and decided it was time for a way out.

I never thought you could do that much damage with a butter knife. It was fucking brutal.

No real purpose to this thread, i’m just fucking stunned and tweaked and in need of some serious sleep. He’s at ecmc now, obviously, for observation. I’ll be picking him up whenever he’s released since his family is not even worth calling family.

Actually, here’s a point to this thread: don’t try to fucking kill yourself, because there are people who really care about you that get destroyed seeing you like that. Call someone, get some help.

bah. fuck.

How old is your friend? And was he alone when he did this? wtf.

if it was anything more than a cry for attention/help, he would have used something other than a butter knife…

Or maybe he was trying to see how much damage he could do? I would imagine its awfully painful to brutalize your arm with something so dull. Pics of lunch meat?

This is why I asked if he was alone.

damn scott i kinda freaked out at the thread title thinking it was you…

best of luck to the dude and his recovery

Were drugs involved?

Yea he was alone when he did it. He’s 24. I’m not going to get too far into his reasons, but i will say that part of it is having had a family member “succeed” in doing the same thing just last year. He would’ve used a sharper knife but his now ex girlfriend left him with an apartment containing nothing more to come home to (after losing his job) than a few blankets, a picture on the wall, and a note on the floor. Oh, and apparently a butter knife.
Seems like he kinda blanked and did this to himself, then had a humbling moment and wrapped it with a shitload of gauze, plastic wrap, and tape. Luckily he didn’t hit the main arteries or whatever so it took about an hour before he couldn’t hold his head up. That’s when it was discovered. Sorry, no pics.
I sat and talked with him after they stitched everything up. The nurses wanted to have him tell me that he was being taken for 24 observation. He was just really distant, but had a moment of “man, i really need help”. Hopefully he gets it. I know the statistics say he’ll try again.
I guess it’s really scary because he’s not the attention whore type, which is why he also tried to hide it. Now he feels guilty as fuck because he saw how much he scared his friends.
I don’t expect i’ll hear anything til this evening. I’m not really sure how long they hold him for, i’ve never really experienced this.

Sorry for freaking you out Jam… We really gotta drink some beers soon, i haven’t seen you or le ritz all summer

nah he was sober

was it Just Carter?

I worked security at buffalo general for a year and half before I moved down to arizona a few weeks ago. I would have to sit with people like that after they tried to kill themselves, it’s not very much fun to do. Most of the people I sat with though just needed someone to talk to about their problems. I can’t tell you how many times people have thanked me just for listening in situations like that. It is shitty though man, hopefully he gets through it. It’s hard especially when its someone close.

That’s shitty. He obv should have never resorted to that, but hopefully he figures shit out.


maybe he was a girl interupted.

Sucks man. Hope your buddy pulls through. I had a friend that wasnt as lucky. Than again 10 floors and gravity are a fuck of a combo.Not to sound like a fag, but make sure the dude knows your there for him. sometimes it’s all it takes to pull someone through.


but yea, i talked to him today for awhile. This kinda put our friendship on a whole new level. He spent less time talking about why he did it and more time talking about how grateful he was to have a friend like me. I think he’ll pull through all of this ok, but I’m gonna be calling him up daily or hanging out just to shoot the shit.
It’s a shitty way to live thinking that you have no one you can turn to. Chances are most friends will drop homophobic attitudes to talk about serious shit… even EMOTIONS :eek: especially if it can make a situation like this be avoided. If they won’t, they aren’t shit for a friend.

:tup: for being there for him.

my thoughts exactly. if you want to off yourself by bleeding out, cut the femoral arteries. Or you could just hang yourself or something. you dont “try” to kill yourself. you either do or you dont.

Not everyone who tries to kill themselves are in a very clear state of mind… It’s probably not an easy situation to be in… and in this case i’m glad to say he “tried” to kill himself and didn’t succeed…

I love how judgemental people can be. Specially ones that I doubt have been in similar situations, either with themselves or people close to them.

i dont know you but you seem like a good man BT. Keep it up man.