Spilner in Performance in Motion

Is this going to be an ongoing spot Ty?

Short but sweet – another good little write-up.

haha thanks :slight_smile:

It’ll most likely end with this feature until the summer, or if someone else decides to give me free stuff.
I dont want to publicize my winter plans to anybody, so I wont be doing any follow up to the exhaust.
I’m going to do another write up for the next niagara meet, and I think my car will end up on the cover sometime in 06’ :smiley:

Do u like the sin city theme??

Yeah - it’s cool.

I’m wondering though what % of customers that get that mag are even under 40 years old. The feel of the mag is just so ole’ school muscle car…you know what I mean.

something like 25,000 people get that magazine.

most of them old school muscle car owners but a suprising chunk of them import tuners.

It’s always been a muscle mag but with the quality of some of the imports these days now that the fast and the furious craze is dead, we’re gaining respect.

yeah its close to 30,000 issues now.

great that spilner is in it, but on the real…

that magazine is horrible.

its more like a Tribute magazine you get at the movies for free.

there’s virtually nothing in it.

…MSSC has the cure for aids and wont share it