SON in Performance In Motion magazine

I don’t konw if this is a repost havent been on much but. there is 2page artical about bings summer meet in the PI oct/nov 05 volume 5 issue 6… we might be getting abunch of nebies now!

Edit: I couldn't stand reading that mispelled title. :run: -Gonad



performance improvments… I think

^^ yup, i was reading it today, says we had the biggest 240 gathering in canadian history good job boys :smiley:

Is it free?

I havent gotten mine yet, but I’ll keep an eye out.

sorry no scanner. um its free i think.

hahah – just got mine today.

Couple of nice pics.

Some pics include:

Mike doing a smokey burnout
Sandra on the trailer
Dip and a line of s13’s
Nice shot of Cahill’s v-mount
Shot of Hector’s car
Long line of 240’s including Theo’s Kouki S14

and last but not least…one huge shot of the Happy engine bay.

10 pics in all… and a little write up.

Story and Photos by Tyler Ippolito

Is Tyler Ippolito a member on the board?

Pics aren’t loading.


haha, my dad just brought this home because he saw the 240sx mentioned on the front cover - i was gonna post it here but saw it was already done.

Thats nuts :slight_smile:


Took the pics at the meet and did the write up. I saved it as a surprise sort of, Im glad to see you guys noticed.

I’ll give a bunch to Jantos to bring to the Oct. 22 meet FREE TO ALL.

thanks for the good review guys.

im really hopping to have my car back out on time for the cruise, i dont wanna miss the last cruise, its going to be tight :?

BTW:Spilner nice job on the article :smiley:

Can’t wait to see the article :slight_smile:

spilner, do you have any offiliation with Ippolito Produce?

havn’t read it yet, but GJ on the article.

no i dont ppl always ask me that.

one day hopefully ppl will ask THOSE ippolito’s if they have any affiliation with the IPPOLITO speed shop haha