ill just admit to being ignorant here. i’m talking about the rez out by tonawanda/wheatfield that is holed up.
i know they get many $$ at certain ages. thats cool. its a shame a lot of it gets blown on stupid shit, but people in all cultures suck when they get thrown lots of money when they arent mature enough for it.
without enough information its easy to think that its just the big guys getting all the spoils while the people are getting boned. im not convinced that’s not the case though
Well I’m pretty sure if you’re an enrolled Seneca, you get a check every 3 months until you die. It’s not enough to live off of, obviously, but it helps.
Some people just misuse it. I’ve seen it happen a lot.
Dawn, maybe you don’t realize it, but I’m 1/4th Mohawk, registered on the tribal roles in Akwesasne and worked at Tarbell’s gas stations in Hogansburg while I was in high school and while home from college during the summers. I know more about the economics of Indian cigarette and gas sales than you’ll ever know.
Most of those fancy health care centers they put up come from government dollars, not tribal dollars. They have no problem going to the government looking for handouts, but still try to hide behind their “sovereign” status. If they want to be truely sovereign I have no problem with that. We’ll cut off all government funding, shut down most of the roads into and out of the rez, and place US Customs run border stations at the rest. As a non-native you will be allowed the same out of country purchases as you would visiting any other sovereign country like Canada or Mexico. Anything over those small amounts would be subject to taxes at the border.
Most of those fancy health care centers they put up come from government dollars, not tribal dollars. They have no problem going to the government looking for handouts, but still try to hide behind their “sovereign” status. If they want to be truely sovereign I have no problem with that. We’ll cut off all government funding, shut down most of the roads into and out of the rez, and place US Customs run border stations at the rest. As a non-native you will be allowed the same out of country purchases as you would visiting any other sovereign country like Canada or Mexico. Anything over those small amounts would be subject to taxes at the border.
Dawn, maybe you don’t realize it, but I’m 1/4th Mohawk, registered on the tribal roles in Akwesasne and worked at Tarbell’s gas stations in Hogansburg while I was in high school and while home from college during the summers. I know more about the economics of Indian cigarette and gas sales than you’ll ever know.
Most of those fancy health care centers they put up come from government dollars, not tribal dollars. They have no problem going to the government looking for handouts, but still try to hide behind their “sovereign” status. If they want to be truely sovereign I have no problem with that. We’ll cut off all government funding, shut down most of the roads into and out of the rez, and place US Customs run border stations at the rest. As a non-native you will be allowed the same out of country purchases as you would visiting any other sovereign country like Canada or Mexico. Anything over those small amounts would be subject to taxes at the border.
Funny. I just read that money for the clinic was donated from Independent Health Foundation. Not the government. Cool!
BACK TO THE TOPIC ON HAND, I don’t think that they should pay taxes, and I’m sticking to my opinion. NYS swears that they’ve been losing all this money, but you can’t lose money if you never had it in the first place.
I can’t fucking afford to get gas off the rez, how sad is that? I guess I could cut down how much I drive, but why the fuck should I do that? I’m not even going to go on a rant about how NYS is raping us in the ass with this ridiculous gas prices. At $2.85 off the rez (and that’s for 87 oct, which I don’t normally use) I’m spending like $46 bucks to fill my tank. If I get rez gas, and save $7 bucks, I’ll be happy. Not to mention the fact that I work on the rez, and I can tab gas anytime I want at my work…
Yeah, sorry, but there is no point listening to your arguements anymore.
I’d rather have that $7 to spend on something else, than gas all the fucking time. And plus, it’s not like I’m actually going to ever get a DSM, but I’m gonna try.
yeah, we can afford the shitty MPG on regularly priced 93 so we have no sympathy.
i think this may be the first time i ever agreed with JayS on a political issue though.
Besides Irving, a lot of the rez’s are fucking shit holes. Some of the electrical and mechanical consultants at my work have talked about how fucking awful it is out there. A majority of the homes dont have electricity or water… they are all pure dumps. So where is this casino and gas money going? Yea. Corrupt as a motherfucker, just like every other government.
Anyways, every canidate in the history of NYS says they are going to get money from the indians, and every time it’s a fucking mess. I agree with letting them be… but i think we should really just let them be… on their own
Oh and so you know every Seneca Indian gets a check cut from the Casino money that comes in every 3 months. I think they get something like $2,000 every 3 months from the casino.
Oh and so you know every Seneca Indian gets a check cut from the Casino money that comes in every 3 months. I think they get something like $2,000 every 3 months from the casino.
Yea it was already stated. Thanks.
And gg 2,000. when you are already living in poverty was does 8k over the course of a year get you? :roll2:
just leave the fucking Indians alone, we fucked them over enough already.
I completey agree and I with Jeg 100% on this one. Agreements were signed with government to allow them certain advantages.
A deal is a deal period. You dont go ahead and fucking change it as it suits you… or because you are a fuckup and cant manage your areas budget propery.
Written deals were made. End of story.
Find other ways to fix your fucked up budget jackass.
i think this is the only time you will hear this, i agree with violator and jeg. seriously we fucked them over, killed them so we can have there land, set up out own government and now we decide to tax them on shit that the can barely make a living off of, thats stupid. if we tax them that is less money that they are actually going to bring in, i mean who is going to go out to the res to save a nickle a pck. by doing this you are not going to get as much money as you think and in the end you are going to spend more to help them even more then they need already. :bloated:
I completey agree and I with Jeg 100% on this one. Agreements were signed with government to allow them certain advantages.
A deal is a deal period. You dont go ahead and fucking change it as it suits you… or because you are a fuckup and cant manage your areas budget propery.
Written deals were made. End of story.
Find other ways to fix your fucked up budget jackass.
The written deals that were made all say that THEY don’t pay tax on anything. Not ANYONE WHO BUYS THINGS ON A RESERVATION don’t pay tax on anything. The written law is in favor of collecting the taxes, they just haven’t been able to enforce it.