4.5 hours?

what are u using dsl jesus

yeah lol

and I told you to stop calling me jesus


its better than my dsl at home. 100KBps download off Usenet :frowning: Gotta call and upgrade it. Took me 3 days to download a 10gb bluray movie.

ouch… yeah go for the 3mb plan.

averaging 350KBps or so

can’t wait till fiber is available :frowning:

Is 3MB the fastest they have? They are currently on the Direct TV/DSL/Phone plan. Would like to see if Verizon will let me max out the internet and pay for it per month and lower it back down when I move out.

Ya my new place is going to have FIOS when I move. I just living with a few people now so dont want to pay for the install and month to month for no reason.

EDIT: Mine at home is 1152kbps down. I hope they have something like 5 or 7 available where I am. I dont mind paying the extra 20 a month to speed it up since I download so many shows and stuff.

also comes out for the DS. Should of started dling this before going to work.

yeah, 3 is the highest they have for DSL. TW isn’t too bad either, it’s nice not having to sign a contract.

Installing now :slight_smile:

I’m sooo fucking excited!!

don’t forget the 500 creature pack

edit: sporenography?

ugh… where and what do i get that?!

I cant wait to make my own spornography! MY creatures be fuckin!

“Why does your creature of 3 legs…ooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh. Nevermind”

you have a PM, sir

me too steve!!!

you have a PM :beer:

Dt.Stevil is burning my copy now. Getting it tonight so I will be glued to this game.

So much for going downtown tonight and socialize with girls this weekend.

what a fucking weird ass game

yeah it is… pretty cool though. Buying it tomorrow

Thanks for burning it for me Stevil. The game is pretty cool. I am walking but keep getting eaten.

I really like it tho.

ok anyone know how to form a pack? it says I have the ability to but cant find a way to bring another guy with me to fight becuase i moved nests and now everyone around me has like health of 40 and i am only a 19.

hah. this look spretty cool. i just might have to download the demmo and try it out.