Anyone picked up this game yet? I’ve seen the commercials and watched a Google video…looks awesome. Might get it this afternoon…
What kind of game is it? Details?
There was a show about it on the Discovery Channel… you build animals :lol
A friend got this game. It’s kinda fun because you can design weird creatures but the overall game play is really lame IMO. I’m waiting for the new FEAR game to come out.
I’m looking forward to Saint’s Row 2 and Need for Speed Undercover
I cannot wait for Project Origin. I absolutly love the original FEAR.
Need For Speed Undercover will be good!
Dammit, people. You’re not helping.
:crackup :crackup :crackup this is Shift518’s image, it should be up there next to elliots car.
make you a deal - I’ll post on topic, and you tell us what happened to that 250 you were supposed to get in June.
Just buy it and tell us what you think
well it made it into the times union… so theres some hype over it… i dono im not much of a sims person to begin with so i dono if i would like the game… im more of a command an conquor/dune, and quake4/quakewars/unreal tourniment. etc etc… im still waiting on the new duke nukem… i wont hold my breath though cuse i been waitin for like ten fucking years ::).
Haha i’ve been waiting for duke nukem forever since i was like 12 years old… Although its going to turn out like S.T.A.L.K.E.R… it looked bad ass and revoloutionary when they anncouned it, then its goign to come out and it will be a steaming pile of poo
Ive only got a Super Nintendo and Im pretty sure they stopped making games for that a while ago.
Ah, touché! She sits in my garage, unused for the most part. I’ve only taken it out a handful of times, since it’s always too hot, raining, I’m busy, I’m doing something that requires 4 wheels, or simply that it gets dull after a few miles by yourself. shrug
or suck horrendiously. like all the other nfs lately do
Most Wanted wasn’t bad…
They all suck, other than the originals, but thats why I like them.
I liked prostreet, thought it was a hell of a lot better than most of teh other ones
The drag racing part of ProStreet was alright…the other parts the cars just felt so slow