Spring '10 Schedules, lets see 'em [edited for new semester]

So last fall I only took 3 classes. I was just deciding what to go back to school for and I figured it would be best to just go and see what happens. So in order to graduate this spring and hopefully go to RIT next fall I have to take 22 credits this semester and 18 next semester. I got 4 A’s and 2 B’s last semester, whats one more class?


plus some online art class. and I am still working 30 hours m-f.

fuckkkk i wish i was going back to school…i cant believe i said that but im gonna miss fredonia

So happy to be done with School…

9A-5P MTWRF FIN700: Work. HSBC19

I’m doing a co-op at Moog until Decebmer so I’m only taking a Lab because UB only offers it during the fall. So I have that on monday mornings, then 40 hours of work after that.

so glad I am not in these threads anymore

I just got word that I have been awarded the Presidential Fellowship. :slight_smile:

Step 2: Change/Alter your class schedule and proceed to Step 3
Class Schedule
Sect Course Days Hours Instructor Room Units P/NP Wait

0159 CSIS1 TTh 1:30pm - 3:30pm PRADO, G BC202 3.0

0160 CSIS10A TTh 8:00am -10:30am REBOLD, T BC208 4.0

0166 CSIS80 TTh 4:00pm - 6:00pm POTEETE BC208 3.0

0380 ENGL2 TTh 11:00am -12:30pm GIRARD BH108 3.0

0653 MATH13 MWF 10:00am -11:35am CATANIA PS104 4.0
Total Units: 17.0

Advanced Programming
English 2

ugh. i wish i could post my sched. it was fucking rad. i’m now taking a semester off so i can live properly. ha.

graduated from UB in spring and i also cannot believe I’m missing it. and it hasn’t started yet lol

Your schedule looks about as crappy as mine lol monday thru friday, night classes 2 days a week to go along with my usual days… 20 credit hours

When does the Fall semester at UB start?

I need to get ahold of the Sweethome Village…

im taking european history at buff on monday nights for like 3 hours. i was in and engineering course i needed but they decided to tell me there is an unpublished corequisite like 4 days ago. and of course it was all booked up except for one class at 9am. so i had to drop the engineering course and take another elective. buff state blows. i hate that school more and more everyday.

reason im taking one class- i work fulltime all day and its not unusual for me to work 50-60 hours a week. im still in school for “continuing education” bs.

I’m still waiting for divine intervention so that I might find and complete my research project. 3 cr/hrs (~$1000) just so I can defend a paper.

I could always try to clean up a class I thought I could complete 2 years ago, but I really see no value in summarizing 18 chapters of a project management text book.
Prof wanted ~5 or 6 pages for each chapter IIRC. I don’t need the credits, but it killed my GPA.

:word: x eleventybillion
Hard to believe I’ve been done for 6 years already. eek.

bump for spring 2010!

last semester before RIT in the fall (hopefully)

BUS 108 Customer Relationship Mgmt.
BUS 201 Professional Sales
BUS 204 Business Management Problems
BUS 213 Principles of Marketing
COM 103 Intro to B&W Photo
PHY 122 College Physics 2


I lead a hard life. I can’t wait to be done with Canisius.


Theology of Death
Visual Sociology
Digital Photography
Senior Project

16cr hrs of bs for me.

8:00 MWF class? Fail.

Going to RIT in march(whenever their 3rd semester starts, need to find out the exact date), havn’t found out when I can register yet.