Spring is on the near?!!!!!

Well yeah it is pretty fucking cold out side still, but it’s starting to feel like spring out side!!! :burnout: :burnout: :burnout: :mullet: :wackit: :beer:


cant wait!

yaay :embarassd

let the fun begin :burnout: :burnout: :burnout: :burnout:

now all we need to do is wash away 10 million tons of salt and we’re good to go

I got my new Burpee catalog today… That means spring is approtching.

taking the whole weekend to do body work, i can not wait till spring!

cant let those 5.0s rust :kekegay: or those g bodys

spring can’t come soon enough




i love you too :hitit: :hitit: :hitit:


golden eagle just called me and told me my pistons are not recommended to be used, yay another $500

it was warm today I went out and washed the car