Sprint PDA (Smartphone)

just as title states, dont want a palm unless its a 755p i may take a centrio if the price is right, but i’ll take any type of BB. phone must be able to work with the sero plan


soo no centro ???

no thx

I have a bb curve that is only a couple months old that I am probably getting rid of this week. I’m not really sure what to ask, so make an offer if your interested.

jam ive got a touch pro that has a clean esn but you will have to warranty it after you activate it. “supraman” was supposed to pick it up a week ago but im kinda sick of waiting.

PM sent to you Jam

i dont want a touch pro either, i fucking hate the phones that slide out and have a gigantic wide fucking keyboard. its like a scale size reg keyboard but you can only use your thumbs. WTF?? how is that logical

lmk if you have a BB plz

bump still halfheartedly looking, lmk

i work for sprint and have madd phones.
txt me what u want/$ and i prob have one
its a cash only thing through me, not sprint


i have a curve here ill let go for $50