Squid Picture Reference Thread.

You don’t have to be in full 1 piece suits (although it greatly helps) but wearing gear shows a certain amount of maturity about the matter.

Squids generally don’t think they are ever going down, smart riders do. If you realize that there is a good chance that you will be down sometime you wear gear, simple as that. Hence why riders without gear are associated as “Squids”.

hahah i dont know, squids are the dudes in a full 1 piece outfit on the street, cruising up the strip in saratoga, and couldnt drag there knee if there life depended on it. The flip flop, shorts wearing, no helmet wearing dudes, yah there squids, but i can promise you i could bring a crew of dudes to the lot on any given night that would completely embarrass you and pretty much anyone you know on a bike, and they would all be wearing hoodies, helmet, gloves and a pair of skate sneakers. Joe (sec 518) might even have long ass shorts on. If you have saw them ride your deffinition of squid would change i think. The squids are the idiots who are clutching up 100mph power wheelies for like 5 feet, i love those guys!!!

Who ever said you need to be able to drag knee to wear a suit? Thats a retarded statement to make. Take Rocket on these forums for example, guy started off wearing a one piece suit and riding a ninja 250 and now less than one season in he will prob drag knee on his R6 next track day.

And in what manner would they embarass us? There crazy cool stunting skills? There ability to go WOT on there liter bike after they granny it through a turn? Or knee dragging blasting back roads/track?

In a matter of looking cool apparently.

Shit, I really strive for that.

I would say that even if you’re the best rider the world has ever seen, gear is what may make the difference between life and death when grandma decides to pull out 3 feet in front of you. Accidents will happen no matter who you are or how good you are. I’d rather play it safer than sorry.

Would your friends beat Rossi and other Moto GP riders? They wear gear too you know and I think they know how to ride.

Squids are guys who think they don’t need to wear gear because they are immune to accidents. It’ doesn’t mater how well they ride.

No, there on a race track, not cruising up the strip. And when ever anyone thinks they can hit the twisties faster or are more skilled in ANY kind of riding let me know, i can set up a nice little ride w/ these so called “squids”. And as for the moped ninja and a full suit that might be the funniest thing i ever heard.

As for gear and safety i agree, When im on a race track i wear leather coat, boots leather pants, gloves etc, but ill be dambed if i would wear all that shit when my girl and i take a ride to get ice cream! Sorry haters!!!

Well if you want to set it up, it’s easy just tell me them to go to the track day with a few of us who wear gear, next year.

Just remember one thing, at the strip or at the track 50mph is 50mph, but you don’t have to worry about other cars hitting you on the track.

You don’t want to wear gear to the store that’s fine, just remember two things, one most accidents happen within 5 miles of the house and two - dress for the fall not for the ride.

Q.e.d. I rest my case.

You ride the 1000 with an extended swingarm on the track? Or you have a dedicated bike?

As far as Rocket, he may have looked funny as all hell in his suit on a ninja 250 but he was holding his own in the intermidiate group on the track day after moving up from the beginners class because he was to fast. And all after only riding for maybe two months prior.


theirs a place and time to be smart, and be dumb…and wearing gear is just smart. Whether you never go down, or you do…its always nice to have that assurance knowing IF something were to happen, you have a better chance with gear.

Today I saw a old lady switch lanes on the highway right into a bike. The bike rider saw it coming and changed lanes as she was changing lanes…but he had full gear on as well. Lady didnt have a clue. All it takes it one time like that.

+1. And it’s not if you fall. It’s when.

Thats when shit happens…I crashed this summer when an old lady didn’t look. I was 1/4 mile from my house. I was out for a 1/2 quick run right after working on the bike. I was wearing jeans and tshirt and boots…so glad I had boots on but reallllllly wish I had pants, gloves and a jacket

im 110% aware that its not a matter if you fall but when you fall. I grew up on motorcycles, my dad had me on a pw50 when i was 3 and have not stopped riding since, so thats 23yrs experience. I know that no one is invisible and it can happen to the best of us. I do wear a jacket, helmet, and gloves when i ride, how ever its my oppinion that wearing a full 1 peice outfit to go for a little put is over kill sorry!!! again my oppinion and everyone is entitled to there own.

oh yea i agree with that…most of the time I just have that same sort of set up when i go out…but I don’t think anyone should give anyone else shit for being over protected. Thats personal choice and a good one:thumbup

i still dont belive tony can ride lolololol i do know he can do a fuckin hell of a wheelie at speed with his ass on the tank

dude no one is telling you to wear a one piece. Good jeans, lather jacket, gloves, boots, MINIMUM.

your girl too. even if it IS just to get ice cream…



:rofl :retardclap