Squid Picture Reference Thread.

what ya expect to happen ?that long at that high of a rpm with no air goin threw it he is lucky it didnt blow up

I was waiting for the engine to blow or the tire to pop, sounded like he was near redlining it for a good minute. Maybe he was conducting a torture test to see what fails first?

i know ,that shit cool an all but not for that long thats torture on a motor i was waitin for a rod to blow or suttin else


at least she has the A* jacket :lol

Red Dragons.



That is Cuooool! I want to be like that when I grow up.

That’s not what you’re going to miss when you take a girl home at night…

Definitely NICE legs

Until gravity does it’s work.

Fixed. :wink:


I disagree with your statement

Not everyone crashes. Some fall, some fall at speed but not every single one. This is the bastard cousin of “everyone who rides—dies”. The difference is that it’s designed to make riders who fall feel better about themselves. It’s a selfish lie but it’s also intended as a warning—gravity works, be careful but don’t resign yourself to a crash

FWIW, I always wore gear.

That’s a false statement?

You mean you know a rider who lives…forever? :wow

Edit: Famous ignorant words of a guy who has yet to crash.

of course thats a false statement when taken properly in context.

I’ve never gone down on pavement, and probably never will since I dont ride anymore, but thats a completely seperate issue. When I did ride I wore gear because I like my skin right where it is, I’ve seen what happens without proper PPE and wouldn’t want that to be me. Im simply saying that i dont agree with the “its not IF you fall, its WHEN”, that statement always irks me… Not everyone falls… thats all im saying… not everyone that rides needs to resign themselves to crashing. Im certainly not saying “ride without gear”, quite the opposite really, wear all the freaking gear you afford, good god I wouldn’t wish road rash on anyone. Proper PPE can be the difference between life and death in an accident…

you might have to take the consiquences of someone elses actions and I always wanted to be as prepared for that as possible…

Ignorant words? maybe so.

A guy that has never crashed and may never crash? god willing

will this guy have proper gear ‘just in case’? you can bet on it.

Vlad’s just pulling the seniority card b/c hes crashed like 15X :rofl


Like I say, gravity always wins, especially when you push to the limit.

Skateboarding/Dirtbiking/racing/snowboarding etc, it’s not if but rather when.

Is this still riding squid?