SR O2 sensor wire order *pics*

So my harness came with an O2 sensor plug but the plug was ripped off
from the engine harness, and now I have 3 wires just hanging loose off
my engine harness.

I’m not sure what order the wires go in.

The plug on the engine harness end is a female and the one on the O2
sensor is a male. The wire colours are also different on the male/females.

Can someone quickly tell me what order they go in? So I can hook it up tonight?

red - black - white

not sure how to explain it but when looking @ the plug the lock for it/tab or what not is facing up when I say red - black - white

also I lenghted the o2 sensor itself rather then the harness plug

So looking from behind the plug (where the wires go in) with the release
clip on top, it’s RED - BLACK - WHITE?

If so, then :bowdown: thank you sir

I looked at my O2 wire and harness and was like wtf, wires were ripped
out clean (not broken) from the female plug.

Looking @ the plug from the passengerside + clip up…

left to right would be Red - Black - White

not the greatest pic and im to lazy to actually go out and get a proper pic or what not but if you would rather that I will I suppose…

WTF, I have: BROWN (thin), BROWN/YELLOW (thin), WHITE (fat wire)

On the O2 sensor itself, I have all thin wires in order: WHITE - BLACK - WHITE

hmmm do you have a fat or skinny o2 ?

I’ve got a skinny one… (if it matters) im not sure if the wiring/colour is different between the two

The Flash on my camera doesnt work to good but I will go take as good of a picture as I can of the plug itself and the wire colours from the o2 itself as well as the other side of the plug leading into the harness

my pictures are horrible… (so wont bother posting them)

the harness end or what not of my plug has brown with a white stripe? white in the middle then solid brown on the outside

so it would go brown/stripe (may be yellow?) - red… white - black… brown - white

Ah ok, cool.

You were confusing me with red, black, white…i was like “there’s no red” :noes:

Im gonna take your word for it…

you can tell it goes red - black - white from this picture

but seeing the other end is tricky… it looks light brown - white - dark brown



Dude I’m gettin old because I can’t see shit.

that is a blacktop 02… or a fatty

i have the skinny redtop o2 which is why its red - black - white

Well I’ve been told it’s


Looking from behind the plug (where wires enter) with the clip facing up

Yes that would be correct (or same as mine from what I can tell)

White wire is the signal wire incase you need to hook up an o2

Ah ok, I was impression white was ground since it’s in the middle and
mates up with a black wire on the O2 side.

was the only one giving me a volt signal so thats what i hooked up the gauge up too and it works… was 1.36v @ idle I believe

white is also the colour on the pinout for the ecu for heated o2 sensor

19 - Oxyen Sensor input (O2) - White

Sorry to but in but I’ve been having problems with the O2 sensor for my red top as well…
I replaced the sensor and it did not help, I checked the 3 wires for power and I get no voltage from any of the three.
I’m hoping that there is a broken wire some where between the ecu and the sensor so I’m going to start at the ecu and test from there.
My questions are: for the O2 heater is it supposed to be 12v? and does it stay on from the time that the car is started until you shut it off (can I wire it to a 12v ignition on).
I just checked at the ecu and I’m only getting .2 volts from the #19 pin at idle… The wire is alot thinner at the ecu than at the sensor. Is that normal?

coca cola:

Could be a ground issue.

Try and grab a signal reading from as close to the O2 sensor as possible…

If it’s good there, but not further down the wires, then it could be a bad
wire/short somewhere.

your suppose to hook the o2 wire (brown @ the harness near the battery) up to any 12v sorce (so ignition is fine)

if you dont have power going to the o2 (from the engine harness) then that could be one reason your not getting a Volt reading…

also… the SRs run stupid rich… you should get atleast 1.000V @ idle if not higher in the 1.20 range

on a redtop o2… (wires are red - black - white) the middle wire “black” is the signal wire… on the harness side plug the colour is “white”. try taking a reading from the black wire on the otherside of the plug incase the plug is fired perhaps and the 2 prongs arent contacting ? ??