SR20DET Heater Hose Install

I’ve searched for friggin hours trying to get the orientation of what hoses are plugging into what.

I can find a full wiring schematic for a kouki cluster, but I can’t find one photo or anybody who could explain what goes where.

I’m not exactly a mechanic but I can still understand what’s shown/explained to me if it’s a good photo/explanation or what not.

I have my kit, 3 hoses, 5/8"-3/4" adapter (connects U hose to L hose), and 6 hose clamps.

If anybody would be so kind to tell me what the crap to do with them now that’d be AWESOME. I know this isn’t extremely difficult, but I don’t exactly know my way around just yet

Use the U and L hoses to do the lines from behind the head to the top port on the firewall

Use the S shaped hose to do the line line from under the intake manifold with the bottom port on the firewall

Ok I will try this…sounds easy. trying to picture it in my head.
The U and L connect together using the 5/8"-3/4", right?

Also, with no heatercore, this would just be exhaust heat pumped in uncontrollably into the cabin from the engine?

Yes I believe a reducer barb is needed. I forget the exact sizes but 3/4 -> 5/8 sounds about right I think.

Pics here:

yep I got all the parts needed.
but back to my no heatercore theory…therefore there would be no controlling the heat exhaust from engine into cabin?

Not sure what you mean but the heater core is just another radiator who’s ambient heat is blown inside the cabin with a fan.

I know, but the hoses go from engine through firewall into the heater core. from there it is routed to vents by the heater core.

Say there was no heater core there, then the ambient heat from engine through hoses would dump into the cabin with no routing or control.


this “ambient engine heat” you speak of is actually hot coolant. a liquid.

with no heater core and no bypass loop, you would just dump coolant on your floor…

wth are you trying to do?

Like I said, the heater core is just another radiator. Think about what would happen if you took out the radiator up front?

Thanks for clarifying that it’s a hot coolant. so what’s coming through the hoses is hot coolant once connected.

Wth it is that I’m trying to do is restore my climate control. I have to hook up my hoses to my SR, but before that I need a heater core cuz the knobend previous owner took it out.

Step 1: install heater core
Step 2: install hoses

Do not skip Step 1 (basically :P)

The prev. owner took out the heater core? ON the KA motor?

How did he have his lines setup then?


I dunno, he was tard.
car came with SR, no heater core no glovebox, ecu hangin out…lots of issues
NEVER buy from Brampton again:confused:

Shit son, I wish I read that befor I bought a 89 240 in Brampton lol I have oil coming from the SS and rad fluid just poured out and I think I have this issue. I couldn’t find where it cam from it was dripping off the base of the car

Theres 2 lines on your firewall, ones a inlet and the others a return line.

In the cabin of the car one of those lines had to have been recirculated to the opposite line to complete a circuit otherwise you’d have one huge coolant leak.

I’m not exactly sure what went wrong. I had the car a few days, took it out, spun out twice in the parking lot came home and I see coolant pissing off the bottom off the car under where the passenger’s seat would be.

I trided looking under a few days after to see if I could find where it came from but no luck. Can you see the hoses from the top or bottom or both??

Anyone in the Hamilton region with a shop who knows 240’s and SR’s??

Found the problem the hoses consisted of piping, hose and clamps. Not very fashionable…

The engine movement would cause leaks and a guess the pressure as well.