SR20DET timing chain??

can anyone tell me for certain if this is just a timing chain noise or is it much worse???

note its a 90 Pulsar GTiR SR20DET

sr20 don’t have chains they have belts .

shit my bad. they do have chains

No power lose? I would not think its the timing chain it is too hard of a knock probably did not want to hear that though. Does it become quiter ones warm?

Sounds exactly like a really bad timing chain, well at least my old 240 sounded just like that before i parted it(sorta)

theres no power loss at all… and i thought at first the timing chain tensioned collapesed or something but im not so sure…

here is a little history on the noise…

it started last week when i fired her up one morning… did it for about a min or two… then stopped… went a week everything was okay… then yesterday it started again but went way soon after… this morning it started and hasnt gone away since…

ive been told that it could be the alternator bearings… i put a screwdriver to my ear and i can clearly hear a pronouced tapping coming from the alternator… anyone can confirm my suspicions??

also does anyone know if the GTiR SR20 use the same alt as the S13 SR20???

i would think they do use the same alternator or just grab a ka alternator …what happens when u try to drive it???

Oh yea and from my knowledge alternator bearings would not make that sound but anyways try to turn on your rear window defroster and if your rpms drop alot whenever u press it, than that might actually be the bearings but i doubt it…

Pull the valve cover off and see how much slop is in the chain. If it’s not the chain. It could be many many things.

First thing that came to mind was a rod bearing.