My intake and throttle body was cleaned out by nissan about a month ago. That fixed that problem. But now I’m stalling again, the symptoms are a little different though, it seems as though the idle is rough, it seems to surge up about 100rpm then back down 100rpm. But sometimes it drops to like 300rpm and almost stall out. it seems that this only happens randomly. Some days the car runs fine, some days it keeps doing this. I was thinking that it is the throttle position sensor. The car doesn’t hesitate or display any other symptoms that would point to the fuel filter or pump. I checked the air filter and it’s fine. Any ideas would be appreciated. Oh and I’m kicking it KA24DE styles.
Did they clean out the idle air control valve mounted on the intake. If not some of the debris from cleaning could be stuck in there. Mine did that just after i bought it and spraying carb cleaner in there helped alot.
check all your vacume lines that could be the problem…or the lines offf youe intake that might be it to!