Does anyone know anything bout standalone ignition and such. Fill me in on the technical side. I’ve seen haltech and MDA 6A and such. Which is good, and how do these systems work / hook up?
I’m a newbie to this
Does anyone know anything bout standalone ignition and such. Fill me in on the technical side. I’ve seen haltech and MDA 6A and such. Which is good, and how do these systems work / hook up?
I’m a newbie to this
Haltec is the best but are you willing to dish out the $3000 thay are asking for it?
he said ignition…not engine management…
for non boost or non NOS system…no point on switching…
i have used a jacobs system and msd6al is in my car right now…
very easy to hook up…
even cheaper is to just swap the coil…
in reality…it will not do anything at all…
with NOS or boost they are a good idea…
My bad sorry.
If your not pushing mad boost or running a NO2 system then just a more powerful coil is sufficient.
i would say stock ignition is good for all NA applications
i was researching carb systems tho, and u need standalone ignition to run these setups.
ewwww why carb man?
looking at side draft or just simple dual carb. Just researching cool ideas dude. My buddies running carb on his 93 GTI engine. I’ll discuss wif u when i get home
so whats this about changing it if your going to be boosting? what will it do for me? how do i do it? and how much more is it going to kill out of my pocket hehe.
and if i just chang coils how do i do that, what do i get? and what dose that do?