Start practicing "duck and cover"

lol thanks

defence or defense?


Obviously its a joke!

Do you really think Russia, knowing how much money they have dumped into their own nuclear program, have not thought about how to hit an effective target with those weapons?

A gagillion dollars in nuclear reasearch, but will never be able to reach its trgets… that makes sense… obviously they have had to innovate some way of reaching us. Now if it works, thats another question.

I understand your logic and don’t want to be harsh. But what I am telling you is that they may have great capabilities but they are not good enough to straight shoot one here. We would be much more vulnerable to a land based attack then surface to air attack.

Close but no cigar! Next time get your mom to proof read your papers before turning them in. :slight_smile:


What would be harder to detect and intercept?

A few high speed long range missiles, or hundreds of personnel carriers? I dont like your logic if I nderstand you correctly. Im not saying a missile could ever hit us, but im assuming Russia has thought into this more than we have…

I would worry more about a missile launched from a Sub then one from Russian soil but hey…In Cougarspeed we trust.

Well are you just gonna make fun or correct me grammar king? You know what I meant hotshot

Please stop making me respond to you. They DO NOT have the capabilities to land a long range here. I do this for a living…Thanks! Next rounds on me brah!

Since you posted Red Dawn before I could, I got this one.

Red October could be sitting out in Lake Ontario right now for all Cougar knows. :wink:

And Vietnam was going to be a quick war, the Bay of Pigs was going to overthrow Castro, Pearl Harbor is a good safe place for our warships, and there are WMD’s in Iraq.

Pardon us if we don’t fully trust US intel.

“US intel, 50% of the time it works every time” :wink:

but sean connery likes US.

or does he…

me and sean go way back

What do you do if I may ask one more?

what kinda GLEW

Air Defense Artillery Intelligence :snky: Please don’t tell any terrorists. kthanx

He works at Dunkin Donuts…

mmm DD iced coffee is glorious.