Start practicing "duck and cover"

I did, hence my statement of “nothing will happen” after everyone elses responce up until mine, and now after it.

I’m glad at least you got the joke!


I’m sure most of us did take (and pass) history, however trying to have legitimate conversation in a community full of inbreds just isn’t advisable. Sure there are exceptions to the rule ( 1/3rd the daycrew ) but just like it only takes one crying baby to ruin a movie, it only takes one jackass to throw a decent subject off onto a tangent of retardation.


Yea, I suppose.


God would it be a slow day on NYSpeed for me if you guys get nuked.

Lets hit texas first…



lol i want to see dudes face when they are digging up my yard finding all the shit thats there


Yet if Vegas was nuked, things wouldn’t be different on NYSpeed. Sure a few “too soon” jokes, but life would go on as per usual. :pedo:

we shold make a celebrity human shield ,then the rest of the world will be like “ohhh nooo! we like the hollywood!”

Dibs on providing the glue that keeps Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba stuck together.

But Vegas is the worlds playground. I may have to become the white slave and deal blackjack for the rest of my life but I’m OK with that.

Time to get my passport and a ticket to australlia

It does not matter who would be the first fire with a nuke but the first that can land one. We have air defense systems all over the world that would take them right out of the sky no problem. lol silly people

except that Cougar would be too hungover to activate them.


lol i have found 2 old cars now that were not mine … and i think we are up to 12 55gal drums :gotme:

No way it has automated alerts so as long as i show up to work we are good. It does the work…shit i dont even push the button.:snky:

Yeah but you dont know what they have. Maybe they have a nuclear torpedo or some crazy stuff like that. :gotme:

are you drunk?

loololol, he’s not drunk, he’s serious.