What is the law in PA about rust on a car/truck, specifically a truck bed. I have some around the fenders on my bed and some has gone through, some has not.
Thanks for the help.
I am prob wrong…but from what I recall you cannot have any holes in the body. Nuttin a little fiberglass cant fix
is ur frame ok? then u should be fine
As long as there aren’t any holes larger than a quarter. Thats the official law
The frame is ok.
The holes are ALOT larger then a quarter.
duct tape FTW
that’s how I used to pass inspection.
I had HUGE holes in the body of my 1991 Geo Storm, fixed it myself with a can of bondo… it passed.
An old hot water heater and some pop rivets will also get the job done.
duct tape or bondo
Any hole in the body or frame will fail.