Underbody question/estimation

Hey is there any1 that can help me with my underbody I have this little hole underneath my rear driver side passenger feat area, but there is only rust in this little spot. I need to send the picture to you to explain it because I dont know how to post them on the site and its hard to explain.

Let me know if you have any knowledge with this.


is it rotted through? if so go take it to a welder and get him to weld it, i had the same problem, one hole in my floor, the rest was mint, it shouldt cost you more then $100

or u can find someone like me who dose it for free but u have to do all the work. but now that its winter and a hell of allot colder im out. but good luck. and the technical term is “speed holes” you have “speed holes” not “rust holes” the speed holes make u go faster. and a note of advice. a little spot or a bubble where it doesn’t look like rust after you hit it with a hammer the hammer goes right trough (flyingchicken). so make sure u know what u have before u go any farther. u may need to buy a whole new side floor pan, but best of luck! if absolutely needed talk to me ill arrange something :S

I felt rust one day and than i shoved my finger and kept poking and poking at it so it dus’nt spread and i got my finger rite threw and hit da carpet, but I hit everywhere else hard and der was no rust and before this my mechanic inspected da underbody and said it was really really clean. This one spot is the only spot of rust on my underbody and exterior. By the way the whole is da size of a penny.

I’am thinking of gettin this fixed in march when i paint my car and change the interior.

Thanks guys for your help.

post pics i wana see a penny sized hole lol iv never seen one on a 240