Stay the F home if you cant drive in the snow

might want to go out around 3 pm, or you wont get passed 15mph!

I had a pleasant ride in, I got lucky and got stuck with the people still doing 45-50 in a 55 which I was cool with. When I hit albany though it was a clusterfuck. It was amusing watching people try to climb up Madison near the plaza.

Bunch of dumbshits. The worst was East Greenbush this morning, took an hour to get down 9&20

yea! I park at the Crown Plaza, and I went drifting by giving the thumbs up to a silver BMW 5something crawling/spinning up the hill with all seasons on with a mile of zig zags trailing behind on the road:rofl

Probably a lease.

these fucking retards. fuck.

Mike I am with you. I was not a happy shifter this morning. 890 was backed up something fierce. It took me 1:40 min to do a 25 min commute. I didnt see one reason why it was backed up, the thruway same thing. nobody was off the road,pulled over blah blah blah…i should have just turned around when i had the chance and went back to bed! people suck.

Ive had many 3 minute drives take 20-30 while out plowing, some people are just absolutly retarded.

Kid just pulled right out in front of me at hvcc. Wheel at full lock, brakes jammed. He pulled all the way into my lane and I ended up with my front end in the snowbank.

Backed out, jumped out of my car, no damage. Idk how I didn’t hit him but my snow tires definitely made the difference between a collision and being able to steer around.

Still shaking. For fuck sakes. The dude came to a complete stop, looks over at me, and then guns it out into the road. Green contour, so hvcc kids watch out.

Should have got the plate, could have ensued mayhem.

im just gonna drive my atv everywhere today. sweet.

I boxed him in when I backed up to make sure I didn’t scrape the side of my bumper against his. Absolutely ridiculous. If he had slid forward another inch I would have clipped him and then had to deal with insurance and not having a car while it’s in the bodyshop and all of that bullshit.

Pretty sure I’m leaving the Z home and rocking an ambulance the next few days

My trip to school is 7miles. Took me an hour and 15min

It should be illegal to drive without winter tires from December until April.

roads are fucked thruway is 1 lane

Route 4 was just being plowed around noon.

Civic was good today so far . Just going into parking lots where the plows made a hill of snow at the end of the lot was rough getting through . I just gun right for it … bumpers are cheap enough

2.54/50/r24 FTMFL

Thats an odd sized tire. Blizzak make them?