Stay the F home if you cant drive in the snow

i rock allseasons like a boss, minivan kills shit.

idk how or why, but it makes snow it’s bitch.

NEG REP. I never rock snow tires. I guarantee and bet any amount of money i will outdrive you with your snow tires vs me with my bald all seasons.

and everyone else:


:facepalm :lol

I’ll take that bet. I drove for years without snow tires but now with them nothin compares.

trace has them on her car, no doubt things a beast. not saying you don’t drive better with them on. I’m saying i can drive better than alpine skiier even if he put fucking tank treads on his car.

but im down to play in the snow!!

I was passing plow trucks down washington ave ext in the part where they had yet to plow because I cant justify going 23mph


OMFG I hate it when i’m on like I90 or something and the plow won’t let you around em. stupid rolling road blocks. I had one try and put me in the ditch once, I got around his bitch ass though. Fucking punk.

Ill hit any snowbank in front of me due my lack of general care towards my vehicle

bunch babies ITT

Thats one thing, or how about they stagger themselves juuuust so much so it looks like they really car about the cluster fuck they started behind them, but know full well anyone behind them other than Mike or Wayne are too pussy to make the pass.

fuckin nassscarr bitches… point it, floor it and wait for the smoke to clear!

no doubt, we will be out tonight!

You’re full of SHIT

My cars gettin work done and I was lucky enough my father was working from home today so he let me borrow his legacy with snows. As long as it doesn’t catch fire the things a beast.

15min commute took me 2 hours today due to the retards going 2mph. I couldn’t even just let it idle along in first gear, had to take it out of gear every 1-2 minutes otherwise I would have rear ended some retard. Needless to say I was not happy driving to class. If you live in NY be prepared for snow! On a happier note I watched some girl try to get up the hill at hvcc today for like 20min, she didnt go anywhere, when I passed her she looked like she was crying hysterically :rofl

passed a cop on the northway in my truck in 2wd :rofl :rofl :rofl

:rofl:rofl i wouldve stopped and asked to facefuck her

:haha she was beat, otherwise that would have taken priority over a statistics test.

I was 15 minutes late to work this morning due to the thruway being back up.

I ended up getting off the Carman road exit of 890, going up to Curry road and getting back on 890 heading towards Schenectady. I passed cars sitting in the same spot they were when I got off the exit.

When I got to work I could see the northway was backed up for miles from the parking lot at work. It didnt seem to let up for hours.

The roads werent great when I was driving during work but I didnt have any issues going from Clifton Park to Round Lake to Scotia to Schenectady to Colonie to Albany to Pittsfield and back to CP.

Some idiots were driving 20 mph on clear roads. Other idiots were driving with their flashers on. I cant stand that, its a major distraction.

I passed people going 80 on i90, just because I could. :rofl