Stay the F home if you cant drive in the snow

saw 4 different cars off the road on my way in this morn, all were on complete straightaways, one even in a 30mph, i just shook my head at them and continued on, agree with op all the way, park it already retards!

Hey you fucking faggots, GTFO of my way!!!

I can’t tell you how many pussy 4wds i passed. LOL

As much as I enjoy driving in the snow and have no issues with my car in the snow I stayed home because I just don’t want to get my BP up dealing with all the retards that can’t drive, not worth the stress imo and I tend to get some serious road rage.

I left the normal time today and even got to work 2 mins early… even stopped briefly to check to see if I did any damage to the truck when I pulled a Benny and duffed the guard rail! hahaha

the only 4 cars on the thruway just about at exit 23. plow on the left, on lady behind it about 5 cars (way too close) some ass hat in a durango about 5 cars behind her, 10 from the plow. nobody would pass it. and there wasn’t enough room for me to do it safely. I was about 10 cars behind the lady, when she all of a sudden thinks hay lets hit the brakes and spin out right infront of me, total dumb bitch panic slide… hold the brakes and duck your head shit! I can move over to the right because asshole pussy in the durango was right next to me because he laid on the brakes. I touched the brakes and slid and had no chance in hell I was going to no hit her, couldn’t turn to the right, lady ahead of me was going to the left out of control… split second I booted it and duffed it into the guard rail to go around her and then nail the brakes up in the snow and the rail to slow down and not hit the plow.

Once I saw I was clear I booted it again and went around the plow, saluted my fellow road goers and went on my way. CEL flashing, truck miss firing… everything felt fine, wheels were packed with snow so I couldnt feel any increased vibration. got out at work and not another scratch on it! bumper is smooshed a little and thats it. engine is full of snow, and must have caused the miss fire.

gotta love it!


I don’t think anyone went to work today.

Those of us with a NUTSACK, are at work today BRYAN. :slight_smile:

You mean brains? I’m “working” from home. I still get paid the same if I went in :lol

I prolly coulda done that, but it would be wayyyyy less BADASS.


Id be at work if the fucking parts guy delivered my alternator yesterday.

My boss made today a snow day so I didnt go in today. Kinda sucks having a day off without pay for no real reason.

Mike you are 1 crazy cracker but i am glad u made it out ok.

fucking skillfull accident avoidance. Schooled that dumb bitch that caused it. :rofl

In the dusting we got tonight I had to drive from guilderland to ravena most of the trip I was stuck behind a line of cars doing this:

Fucking unbelievable.


Yesterday I was behind a woman crawling up a hill using the SLAM THE GAS/LET OFF COMPLETELY technique in her Saturn Vue. Luckily I noticed she had her window open with her head out to watch the tires spinning (if that helps). Managed to pass her on the left and shoot a bunch of snow in her window when I punched it.

Pulled a couple more people out of ditches this afternoon on my way to the shop. Roads were fine, people are just whimps and have zero lack of car control these days. Some lady was bitching how horrible the roads were today at the deli I go to for lunch and I promptly told here “shits fine, quit whimping” Dave behind the counter near pissed his pants and burst out laughing. She wasn’t too please to say the least. Probably won’t be coming back for awhile.

This crap is weaksauce. When they say 12+" all I do is run to the store to top off the tank in anticipation of fun driving. I have no problem being that asshole who passes people on the roads with the ass end stepped out while they grin and stare in digust, driving their 15-20mph slowness.

Probably a good thing I sold the subaru before this stuff hit. I’d likely be in jail right now.

MEEEEE too! If I had a dollar for ever person I pissed off, drifted by, roosted, and generally made poop their pants… I would have bought T-Moneys recently sold recreational vehicle establishment.

I was lucky on the ride in, got to drift around the left hander just past the 24 toll ramp towards Albany at 75mph like a boss, have all of 787 from exit 1 to clinton ave ext to myself to proceed at will sliding across 4 lanes at 60+ with nobody in sight on my side of the road. All thanks to me blowing past rolling retarded road blocks.

Guaranteed that every day there are 20 people that mutter to themselves “See you in a ditch jack ass” or “who do you think you are, a race car driver?” as I blast by their dumbasses. :rofl

loling at the neg rep I received from AlpineCrier because he can’t drive in the snow. :rofl :rofl :rofl GOTTTTTTTTTTTTT EMMMMMMMMMM!!!