Stay the F home if you cant drive in the snow

i went to work, shoveled about 150 cars, moved them all, plowed where they were parked, moved them all back. just in time for the fresh snow to come and cover the cars again.

no one was on the roads yesterday so i was doing 55 all the way, even got to work a few mins early. central was fun to just get past a group of people and blow by them at WOT

awd lexus on all-seasons FTW!

I decided to go to Queenbury last night, was coming down pretty hard and was still going 60 on 87. 18 wheeler past me going like 90mph though. :rofl

18 wheelers up north are crazy fuckers… NO BRAKING



wonder if she got back to the kitchen in time to make the husband some dinner?

There was so many 4x4’s in the fucking ditches. Bunch of DUMBSHITS

I hope she did morning rush hour a favor and died.



:rofl :rofl

:rofl X infinity

which brings up a good point. If you pit maneuvered a bad driver who has zero control or reason to be driving, and they died… would it be assisted suicide? haha

no, cause i wouldn’t stop to find out. :thumbup

you sent me a - first you redneck

:rofl :rofl :rofl


wow i missed this thread. Tuesday it took me threes to drive to and from albany i took I-890 to exit 25 toll then to exit 24 toll then 787 south to clinton st exit . whihc took two hours said fuck that after i dropped the wife off at work.Took western ave back to schenectady traffic was backed up from 155 on 20 all the way back to rt 158 dead stop traffic.

Its because everyone was cowering in fear of the Snowolocaust.


so true! If the news wanted to, they could say a massive heat wave is on its way next week and people would start buying up sand bags and sump-pumps like its nobodies business.

Gullible, 90% of the USA is.

I read on vortex it was a chinese/azn lady