Stay the F home if you cant drive in the snow

fuck yeah theyre crazy. I used to have to drive to Warrensburg after 5 am a few years ago and the truckers were doing 80 in snow storms.

Truckers are whack in the snow. They don’t give a fuck.

A year or two I was on I88 heading towards binghamton and we got hit pretty good. There was a good 5" on the roads. Truckers were doing 75+ like it was nothing.


I aint pussy, Wayne isnt either… I think he has a pic too!

We are wrecklesssss thruway drivin buddiessss! :hug

Poor little 4.0 couldn’t go any faster in 4wd! ran outa grunt!

So fast, I make horizontal icicles!

Fuckin A right doggy!!!

Me and Woody gettin it done!!!

bootin an tootin.

also I see running light fuse fail. I guess I got water in the wiring again.

yea, you suck at wiring :rofl :rofl :rofl

Yup I was doing 65 70 on 90 this morning perfectly fine until I ran into the rest of the world doing 30. The worst is when someones alone in the fast lane going the same speed as everyone else when all you wanna do is pass.

that when i do a RAGE PASS. usually involves 3 lanes and major cutting off. :rofl :rofl :rofl

My dicks bigger than yours, i can drive faster in the snow.

no it isn’t and no you can’t.

I drive faster than you.

i got videos of me doin like 75 in the E30 past traffic in deep snow bitches

:rofl Yes. + rep coming your way when possible. I have a sticky note to keep myself reminded.


One asshole in my apartment complex managed to get his Genesis sedan stuck in the middle of the road that winds around the complex. How do you even do that? Why are people incapable of driving in the snow? Not like we haven’t gotten a shitload of it this year.

Dude people are so fuckign stupid. Going home on Rt7 last night some fuckwad stopped in the middle of the road on a hill instead of just turning into his driveway. The retard behind him stopped too. They both got stuck, I lol’d flipped them both off while beeping and driving around them. LOLOLOL morons I hope they got hit by the fucking plow.

:rofl:rofl where on 7?

People are so stupid. Even when they do get stuck, they don’t know how to rock the car or get themselves unstuck. They just sit there stepping on it, going nowhere, like a drunk ape.

down like inbetween the truck stop and our exit i was somewhere in there.

stealing that term, im dying laughing over here lol