STD Scare

So today while taking a urination break at the office, I glanced down and noticed that I had a mark on my shaft. Halfway between the stem and the mushroom head. Anyway, upon further inspection I noticed that it was almost like a scab or a blister. Something you would get after scraping your arm or burning yourself, just on a much smaller scale.

My mind raced back to 11AM. I remembered I jacked off ESPECIALLY hard this morning. Not sure why, but I do remember there being a significant amount more compression this time than the norm.

Anyway, my point is not everything is as it seems.

i have gotten said friction burns from time to time also

chafing on the tip of the penis is one of the most painful things a person can experience

I need a new lubricant. Apparently this shit that I tried was a tanning lotion, so it makes your dick all sparkly and tan as well as not lube worth a SHIT. :rofl

i bet kramer will beg to differ :shifty

haha… thupppperrrrr

My life is complete now that I know your jacking off technics or lack there of

damn you guys need to find a girl

x2 only thing worse i can think of is burning the edge of the tip on a woodstove

girls cant do it as good as rosie palm can

LoL I dont even want to know why you had your dick out by a woodstove

had to dry it off wouldve gotten hypothermia in the cold winter

ps i was standing next to some whore and saw ssssmokin drive by


I’m planning a trip to Palmdale.

just got done


awww dont cry, you are the one that got a boner from smokin driving by

Youve read 1 too many Turbo Travis threads…
