steeler nite before xmas

A Steelers’ Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas

in a Burgh that I know

the stadium was empty

and the lights did not glow

The uniforms hung

in the lockers with pride

with the helmets, with emblems

on only one side

The players and coaches

had been gone for a while

I sent them home early

with a holiday smile

So I cleared off my desk

and was ready to leave

to spend time at home

on this Christmas eve

When out by the lockers

I heard a loud clatter

I ran from the office

to see what was the matter

I ran down the hall

just as fast as can be

and stopped at the door

I was trying to see

I heard some walking

some concern did this cause

then I gasped when I saw,

It was Santa Claus

He was dressed not in red

but in gold trimmed with black

and I watched as he pulled

all the gifts from his sack

Some fumbles, some picks,

and some sacks for the “D”

and a ball for Jeff Reed

that flies as straight as can be

The receivers got touchdowns

a long bomb for Big Ben

and a defensive back

for the BUS to smash in

Every player and coach

got a gift of some kind

but what would he leave me?

Lots of thoughts crossed my mind

I watched as he carried

his bag down the hall

but he started to leave

and he left me nothing at all

So with fire in my eyes

and spit on my lip

I yelled 'cross the room

“Hey man what’s your trip?”

"I watched as you gave

all those gifts to my crew

but you’re giving me nothing

what wrong did I do?"

He turned and he smiled

and he said just one thing

"When you get to Jacksonville,

you’ll get a Super Bowl Ring!"

booooooooo, that was so last week

thats prettty cool

cliff notes

once again Quik provided us with email chain letter bullshit… :doh:

is there a part in there about big ben’s greed… HEY ROOKIE WORRY ABOUT THE GAMES NOT WHO’S MAKING A BUCK OFF OF A T-SHIRT!!!

hey now its poor quality entertainment

please refer to 8.1s sig

Shoulda seen him grinding on these skanky bitches down at Margarita Mama’s last night. :op:

And Burress’ hamstring didn’t look too sore either :sadwavey:

ok but these people that praise him, he’s tryin to get every freakin cent outta their pockets. greed will not get you far if things start to go down hill. Besides, he doesn’t have BIG BEN copyrighted… he said himself he don;'t even like the nickname. I would just put the damn clock on a shirt and sell it, what is he gonna do, sue england? Take a step back from the steeler “nation” and look at that situation, doesn;t it make you a bit nauseated that someone making 40 million dollars is worried about a few bucks from the people who support you. Players need to stop living through their agents and use those free educations they got. His mind should be on football, ok you could say he’s human but FOOTBALL is what he’s gettin paid 40 million dollars for so i think he can sacrifice a lil bit.

I thought rookies made the bare minimum $200,000 if they werent super stars or big hyped hiesman sp? :dunno:

any facts about what he makes?

take a breath

haha…i actually agree w/ u somewhat, i was just fuckin around cause his sig is funny

ya u konw whats funny cutty…I THINK HIS MIND IS ON FOOTBALL!!! i mean he i htink hes helped us win what…the last 12 games??? idk…wonder what u got against him so much…does he own like all of the great g-bodys (i know thats an oxy-moron) but come on…soo what if hes there to sign some shirts…wtf who cares…u let the stupidest shit bother you really!!! and about bravada…about burress…hes not allowed to play until he is a complete 100% he could have played last week but was not allowed…