My Message from Cowher


Twas the night before Christmas
In a Burgh that I know
the stadium was empty
and the lights did not glow.
The uniforms hung
in the lockers with pride
with the helmets, their emblems
on only one side.
The players and coaches
had been gone for a while
I sent them home early
with a holiday smile.
So I cleared off my desk
and was ready to leave
to spend time at home
on this Christmas eve.
When out by the lockers
I heard a loud clatter
I ran from the office
to see what was the matter.
I ran down the hall
just as fast as can be
and stopped at the door
I was trying to see.
I heard some walking
some concern did this cause
then I gasped when I saw,
It was Santa Claus.
He was dressed not in red
but in gold trimmed with black
and I watched as he pulled
all the gifts from his sack.
Some fumbles, some picks,
and some sacks for the “D”
and a ball for Jeff Reed
that flies as straight as can be.
The receivers got touchdowns
a long bomb for Big Ben
and a defensive back
for the BUS to smash in.
Every player and coach
got a gift of some kind
but what would he leave me?
Lots of thoughts crossed my mind.
I watched as he carried
his bag down the hall
but he started to leave
and he left me nothing at all.
So with fire in my eyes
and spit on my lip
I yelled 'cross the room
"hey man whats your trip?
“I watched as you gave
all those gifts to my crew
but you’re giving me nothing
what wrong did I do?”
He turned and he smiled
and he said just one thing
“When you get to Jacksonville,
you’ll get your Super Bowl Ring!”

:repost:, but :cool:

who posted this already?

i dont remember, but it was right before Xmas.

my bad, I still like it though