Steelers Are Keeping it "Real" at Heinz Field

Just accept the fact that the Pirates aren’t going to have a +.500 season…once again.

the more people dont go because the pirates suck the more they will suck… its funny how that works…

in the nfl it doesnt have as great an impact, but because baseball has no salary cap, etc… if the team isnt bringing the money in, its not goin to be able to pay players to get a good team. Bitching about them suckin will not make them better. Filling the stadium at a rapid rate will. Its true, i work for them… i could personally give a shit what the team does as long as i get paid. i’ve spent too much time here to really even give two shits about baseball because i realize what the greater problem is. there are so many factors thou as to why its hard for the pirates to be succesful on the field and off. with exceptions to NY. Boston and chitown which have large populations, its hard for teams in the north east corner of the US to have good attendance in april and September because of the weather. And think about it. NY has like what…10 million people… not to hard to sell 40K tickets a night. to bitch about the pirates is just dumb, the problem is the way the sport is run as compared to the NFL.

A lot has been made about the pirates making 30 mil last season…sure, they could waste that 30 mil and still be no better, you can;t compete when u have teams in the league that can pay a guy 300 million. you might as well try and do what the marlins did… try to gear up every fifth year and make a run and then tear apart the team. the pirates haven’t tried this because pf the way pittsburghs get towards certain players. they freak out if you trade their favorite guy. well the fans can’t have it everyway, the pirates decided, we’ll market the experience of coming to PNC instead of the team itself. they realized :well, we aren’t gonna win so we might as well have a three ring circus instead" (ie: pirogie races, hot dog cannons, etc etc) the pirates infact proved once already a winning team doesn;t put people in the seats. 90,91, and 92 the team did not sell out PLAYOFF GAMES…freakin play off games!!! what where the excuses then?

the drug trials of the 80’s and then financial misfortunes of the team turned away a lot of our parents from baseball while a lot of were growing up in the 80’s. thats the reason why a lot of you dont really care for baseball now, you weren;t really exposed to it as a kid. Look what it took to get people interested in the penguins… we had to get the greatest hockey player that ever lived… MARIO… for people to follow them. Then we were good for almost a whole decade, then we slipped and people stopped coming then we again had to get the greatest hockey player on the planet at the time, crosby, to fill the place again. what do you think will happen when crosby is outta hockey and the new arena honeymoon phase goes away…crowds of 12,000 nightly…

its really hard to compare the three sports thou… football happends 8 times a year at home. SUPPLY AND DEMAND. hockey is around 40… Baseball is 81…football also doesn;t have much competition on a sunday afternoon in the fall and winter… baseball on the other hand has to compete with everything that goes a long with the summer…( kennywood, camping trips, vacation, any outdoor actvities, etc…) they also from april till the begging of june and the month of september have to compete with school… kids have school on week nights. There’s just soooo many way to look at it other than the players on the field play bad.

like i said… i get paid regarless of the performance. I’m just in the position to explain it from a business standpoint…

All of this talk about the pirates is making me sleepy :zzz:

Baseball is boring Thats why attendance is down.
Plus their is so many home games, Hard to have consistant regular people that attend more than 3-4 games a year. not just die hard pirates fans.

If i liked baseball would be great, tickets are cheap :rofl:

me too…

thats a pretty fair description. thats goes back to what i said about parents… if ur parents and ur family is into something, chances are you will be into too. I grew up around baseball, had an uncle that played pro ball, i played it for 15 years myself. I went to about 20 games a year before i worked for the pirates, now i’m just turned off from the business of baseball. i still like the game itself… i personally don’t find it boring. football only has about 8 minutes of action out of the 60 thats timed. one could argue football is boring… its just the fact that its only once a week for 19 weeks that makes it not seems that way. everyone has their reasons for not liking a particular sport… i hate college basketball because of the last few minutes of a game and the amount of timeouts that teams gets. to me, thats boring and agrivating at the same time.

my grandma would take me to games ( maybe 20-30 games ) total in a few years, infact i still have a foul ball :rofl:
didn’t care about players, just the game. then the strike happend and got bummed out and never returned.

To each their own :beer:

ya the business of the game got to you… you grew up and developed other interests. no problem with that.



I’m not sure which sucks more cock, baseball or Cutty. Or Cutty’s cars. Or Cutty’s lovelife. Or Cutty’s physical stature. Cutty’s wit. Cutty’s intelligence…


hey u liked all those cocks u got in ur ass up at state college… for a gay man like urself its understandable u’d have a loyalty to them… just remember where ur from… PITTSBURGH

maybe i should start a thread on cleaning pools so you can show ur area of expertise. i apologize for knowing more than you about the business of sports and how it relates to this city.

His Business > Your business

-1 for you :bukkake:

I already have over $100,000 of sales lined up and under signed contract for the summer. :rofl: @ me.

:ugh2: I got plenty of pussy in state college i got pics n video to prove it :slight_smile: just ask ashley lol
Sorry pennstate > pitt

but the steelers > * :slap:

i could find some pics on the net too and say i took em. :ugh:

last game pitt 12 Penn st 0

national championships pitt 9 Penn state 3

2008 recruiting Pitt #21 Penn State - no where to be found. Pitt Destroyed them in the state of PA recruiting. A lot of could be swayed if pryor goes to psu but still…

2008 projections Penn state 17 Pitt 22… to show i’m wiling to conceed a lil penn state got the early lead goin into next season but we know once they get into big 10 play they fall like apollo creed in rocky IV… FACE FIRST.

Jay ( blue ) has attended both, we should get his opinion

and penn state’s schedule is a joke COSTAL CAROLINA? TEMPLE? u got to be kidding. atleast pitts non conference is half decent,bowling green is one of the mac’s better teams, iowa is decent, navy isn’t a cup cake, ND always has top players and buffalo is crap. since pitt and PSU have two common opponents next season (iowa and 'cuse)we will see what happends… obviously is they stopped being pussies over their in shithole college, pa we could see a pitt-psu game again. psu will play temple and syracuse but wont play pitt… i smell pppp…PUSSY