Random pull over?!


this is one of those catch 22’s of life…

say you have nothing to hide in your trunk, but deny the cop… well u just pissed him off, so now he is going to write tickets for everything else that is “wrong” with your car…

do you want to end up like this lady?


area you serious right now?

what does saying “you do not have my permission to search my vehicle” have to do with a video of some crazy bitch that BIT a guy and refused to open the door or get out of the car (in addition to whatever else she did)

Cops PREY and take advantage of regular people IGNORANCE of the law/their rights every day.

I would never allow some dickfuck Amherst/ Cheektowaga cop to search my vehicle… especially since he pulled me over for fucking NOTHING and now needs a bs reason to save face for the bogus traffic stop