Random pull over?!

So I get pulled over in front of work today…and the cop asks to look threw my trunk and is a total douche bag…then writes me a fix it ticket for my registration that is in the mail …? WTF!

“Where you trying to get away from me by pulling in here?”-sausifer
(Thinking a gated fence was freedom maybe?)
“No I work here” -me
“Oh then would you mind me looking in your trunk?”-sausifer
“Um could I ask why you pulled me over?” -me
“You could have been speeding, I could write you an imprudent speed ticket because my radar was off.” -sausifer
“Yah, ok we can look in my trunk” -me
“Whats in it first?” - sausifer
“Umm, a towel and a shammy I believe” - me
“Ok lets see”- sausifer
walk behind my car and open the hatch
"Oh whats that there?- sausifer
“That would be a cargo net”- me
“Oh you didn’t mention that” - sausifer
“Umm I forgot about it sir”- me
“Ok, you registration is expired”- sausifer
“Yah the dmv sent it out and I haven’t received it yet” -me
“Well it says here they haven’t, too bad”- sausifer
He goes back to his car, comes back and says
“Here is your ticket…if you get the registration come show us and it will be thrown out”…

WTF! he soo wasted like 15 min of my lunch that dick!

No ppl at work prolly think they want to arrest me or something :frowning:

Boo that man Booooooooooooooo

So your registration is expired and you got an expired registration ticket. :gotme:

Am I missing something?


So your registration is expired and you got an expired registration ticket. :gotme:

Am I missing something?


Right but why did the ass pull him over in the first place, I guess cause he can, not right though

Pics of cop magnet.

What town?

haha no shit, get ur shit fixed then no tickets :slight_smile:

it expired the 27…so I did the online registration thing on say the 20th? The web site says its complete and I have confirmation, but I have yet to get it in the mail, I’m guessing due to labor day? IDK It seems though that i was pulled over for no reason, I was doing say 40 in a 35 on duke? So yah he didn’t really give any reason for pulling me over other then “I was maybe speeding, but he can’t confirm it?”…and its not like you can see what the registation expiring from behind the car…/rant

edit…just driving my vette…
and he said he could give me a ticket for my cracked back up light (no part of red tail lights)…which i was just rear ended on friday and have yet to get my new daily…Friday-smash…weekend 1000 islands…today getting my new jeep so i figured driving my car one day a lil beat up (bumper still fully there just a small crack and scratches) wouldn’t hurt…BrAHAHAhhhaAAAAAh lol cheektowaga FTL


did u have the printed confirmation from the online transfer??? i always carry mines with me when that happens. But yeah, he sounds like a tool


did u have the printed confirmation from the online transfer??? i always carry mines with me when that happens. But yeah, he sounds like a tool


unfortunately no…i wasn’t planning on being pulled over…i wasn’t even going to drive my car…oh well hopefully I can just take a picture and send that in so i don’t need to take off to be there

"Oh whats that there?- sausifer
“That would be a cargo net”- me
“Oh you didn’t mention that” - sausifer

^cop being a dick.

He probably ran your plate, and saw the expired registration. Next time tell him you have a box of donuts in the trunk. Then when you open the trunk and there are no donuts in there, deny ever saying anything about donuts.

did u turn onto union from walden? if it was i seen u go by and the cop hammered it right as u went by off the turn lol.

he was looking to get somebody, he stopped right next to me, looked dead at me then kept going… my windows are limo tinted all the way around so i got lucky

threw = THROUGH
where = WERE

and what the fuck’s a sausifer? a cop that looks like a big piece of polish sausage??

but anyway, so what, you were driving illegally, he could have just had the car towed, you got off easy, stop complaining and learn how to renew on time!

lol no it’s a fat cop who stuffed himself into a tight uniform so he looks like a stuffed sausage!

I hate Duke rd. Out of all places a deer hit my car their.

wow…shitty weekend for you…with the rear ending story… hopefully the week gets better for you and your cargo net :slight_smile:

yah I turned from Walden to Union onto duke…and I did register it before it was expired…it was registered on the 20th, but the sticker has yet to arrive in the mail!..the cop thought he was soo super bad ass…i wanted to ask him if it sucked getting paid less then a 21 y/o intern but I figured I wouldn’t start no trouble

cheektowaga blows

you’re a young dude in a cracked-up vette

keep your receipts with you

shit sucks - just keep your head up & take the sticker to court. sorry that happened, having a bad couple of weeks… :frowning:

that sucks. Apparently if your a young guy drivin a nice /fast car you attract alot of attention from the cops. i once had had a lewiston cop follow me all the way from center st. in lewiston to lew-port high school on creek rd. its gay but its the price you have to pay i guess.


yah I turned from Walden to Union onto duke…and I did register it before it was expired…it was registered on the 20th, but the sticker has yet to arrive in the mail!..the cop thought he was soo super bad ass…i wanted to ask him if it sucked getting paid less then a 21 y/o intern but I figured I wouldn’t start no trouble


He certainly doesn’t get paid less, but probably drives a less lucrative car.